(124) Gabby Dream: Welcome Home Gabriel James and Matteo Andrew Casey

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Hi Readers: I'm back from my job interview, and I had some supper; so that means that it's time for me to give you guys an update in my story. Do you guys like that idea? What do you guys think of a nice dream chapter first? A dream that will be reality in less than five months now. Well, here you go. Here's chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four. Enjoy readers.

May 31, 2019 – Casey Home
Her dream has finally come true. Her boys were finally home. Yes, you heard that right. Gabriel James and Matteo Andrew Casey, the long awaited newborn twin boys were finally home; the place where they belong, and will always belong for the rest of her life. And that was the best feeling in the entire world. Well, maybe other than the huge weight that was literally lifted from her body. God, their sons came out so big. She just feels so much better now that she's no longer carrying them, and she's also a lot happier now that they are finally out of the womb; as it means that she gets to cuddle up to them, and she gets to feed her boys the way that she wants to feed them. She gets to breastfeed them, and she gets to hug them every day. And that's just an incredible feeling. But another great feeling that she enjoys doing each and every day now? That's being able to just take it easy, without having to worry about eating as much. (Well, a little less; she's breastfeeding).

With her breastfeeding, she still needs to eat more than she normally would have; so, she's just going to keep eating as much as she originally was. Still, that doesn't mean that she's going to worry about it; rather, she's going to enjoy this time. This time where she's just relaxing with her newborn sons, and being taken care of by her loving husband; the husband who was currently just admiring her beauty as she laid down in bed and worked on her iPad. More specifically, she was working on some designs for ELLA Creations. The one that she was doing right now? It's baby clothes of course. She wants to get them done early enough, as she wants to have some prototypes done for when the boys are old enough. So, the age that she's working on right now? Six months. She things that she can get outfits back here after a while. But that was not what her husband wanted her to do right now. Rather, he wants her to concentrate on her health, which is her priority right now.

And that was why he was about to speak to her. "You know, last time I checked, you were on maternity leave right now." Turning her head to see her husband, Gabby snickered when she heard him say that; after all, she's well aware of the fact that she's supposed to be taking it easy right now. However, that didn't mean that Matt wasn't going to stop her from creating what she wants to do. If Matt knows anything, he can't really control his wife. Just making his way over to his sons' cribs at the end of his bed this morning, Matt smiled as he looked at Gabriel and Matteo. Looking down at them both, Matt smiled as he proceeded to stroke both of their cheeks; the cheeks that were so adorable. God, their boys are so adorable; and Matt is a very proud man to be able to call them his sons. And that's all they were right now; they were his sons. They are not his heirs; they are his beautiful newborn sons Gabriel James and Matteo Andrew Casey. And he's honored Andy.

That was something that he's always wanted in his son's name, and he finally has it; he's finally honored his (late) best friend, and it was the best feeling in the entire world. Just looking at his sons, Matt smiled as he bent down and proceeded to kiss both of their foreheads. "Welcome home my sweet angels." Looking at her loving husband as he said their homes 'welcome home my sweet angels', Gabby smiled. "And you better remember that they are your angels, and not your heirs." Matt smirked as he looked up at his beautiful wife, well aware that was the case. He knows for a fact that Gabby absolutely hates it when he calls them "his heirs". That's not what they are to him and Gabby, as they are instead their sons. Their newborn twin sons. Matt then smiled as he proceeded to carry in the hospital bags that he finally grabbed out of the Tesla. "Listen, how about you do me a favor and put your iPad down. At least take a bit of time to relax, just take it easy baby."

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