(148) Gabby Dream: Independence Day 2019

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Hello Readers, and welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed yesterday's chapters, and I also hope that you guys are going to enjoy today's chapters, starting with this dream chapter. However, I need to let you guys know that I have plans for supper later today; and that means that you will be getting less chapters than you normally would. So, let's definitely get right to it and not waste time. Here we go with Dream Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight.

July 4, 2019 - Six weeks. That's how long that the couple have been parents to their precious twin sons, Andrew James, and Matteo Ramon Casey. Yes, Matteo Ramon; as in, after Gabby's father Ramon. And let's just say that she was glad that they named Matteo after both her loving husband, and her own father as it was the perfect way to do it. But right now, that was not what she was really concentrating on right now. Rather, she was currently concentrating on the sight that was in front of her as she laid down in bed this morning; and that was the sight of her loving husband holding not just one of their sons, but both of their sons on his shirtless chest as he held them close in the rocking chair. And that's definitely something that she was enjoying, especially as she just laid down in quiet as to not tell her husband that she was awake. After all, she didn't want to stop him from doing what he was doing right now; as it was adorable, and she just loved the sight in front of her.

But that was not the only thing that she was enjoying. She was also enjoying the peace and quiet that was in their home, as that was definitely something that she needed even all these weeks later. Since she got home, there was just something about the silence that made her happy; as she no longer had to deal with the beeping noises that she had to hear day in and day out, while she was still in the hospital after giving birth to the twins. They ended up having to stay there for a week after she gave birth, but she was okay with that; after all, their sons were born prior to her having reached 38 weeks since they are twins. But she was ready for that, she made sure to get ready for that during her entire pregnancy; as that was something that was going to come with them having twins. So, she was ready for that time; and she made sure that she brought stuff to do. More specifically, she brought her sketch pad so that she could finish her last design for her line.

The design that was now in production with the help of her mother, and the ten seamstresses that they have recently hired to work at the headquarters. But, of course; that's not what they're doing today, as it's a holiday. Today is the anniversary of the founding of their nation, when they declared independence from Britain. But she was not celebrating that independence today, she was celebrating the independence that comes with no longer having to eat as much as she did when she was pregnant with their boys; not that she would have done anything different, as she wanted their sons to be as healthy as they possibly could when they (ultimately) brought them home. And that was exactly how this happened, a month earlier; which they were quire grateful for, as it only mean that they have to spend twelve days in the hospital. Yes, it was almost two weeks; but that was fine with her, as it was for the sake of their loving children Andy and Matteo.

Yes, they are using the same nickname that they gave Matt's late best friend for their son Andrew; and Matt was loving that, as it meant that he now had an Andy in his life once again. And even better, they had sons in their lives once again. That's when Gabby decided to tell her husband that she was awake, as she wanted to hold one of their sons. But god, she was just enjoying the sight so much; that she didn't want to disturb the sight, but she still wants to hold one of her sons. "Morning." Turning his head when he heard his beautiful wife say that, Matt just looked at his girl. "Morning." Gabby then smirked. "So, I can only assume that you already fed and changed both of the boys?" Matt took a breath when Gabby said that. "Sorry, you just looked so peaceful." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling as she loved the fact that he left her sleep. "Well, how about you come join me in bed? I want to hold Andy." Matt laughed when she said that.

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