(93) We'll Always Come First

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of the chapters that I have written for you guys so far? Let me know in the comments, and send me ideas if you have any. Now, here's our next chapter: Chapter Ninety-Three.

The moment he heard that Gabby was worried about something, Matt knew that he was going to have to sit her down and talk to her. That was just a fact, and it was also something that he was not going to let linger; especially when it was about something that she had no reason to worry about. The thing she was worrying about? It was the fact that they were going to have less time when they have kids, and when they are trying to start a business at the same time. However, that was never going to be the truth. Matt will always put their marriage first, as it was a promise that he made to her after their road trip. Just because they are together more often, and not working at the CFD anymore; that doesn't mean that the promises that he made to her while they were still in Chicago didn't matter to him anymore. If anything, they mattered even more to him; as their marriage is the thing that he's going to hold onto the most, as it'll be a strong foundation.

It's the foundation for their family, and it's what they are going to make sure that they always hold on to when stuff gets hard a work; after all, they are going to be a team in that as well. Matt doesn't just plan on working with Kelly when it comes to the business; rather, he plans on working with Gabby first as she is his wife and partner in life. She will be the woman that he leans on the most, as she's going to know what his dreams are; and she's going to be there by his side cheering him on. And for that to happen, they are going to need to have a strong marriage; and possibly, a strong sex life. But that was not what he was thinking about at the moment, as their sex life didn't matter right now; what mattered right now was Matt telling his wife: (1) how much he loves her, and (2) how he doesn't want to go back and make the same mistakes that they made in the past. They are going to lean from their mistakes, and they will never do them again.

That's just a truth that Gabby is going to have to know, as he never wants to put their marriage at risk ever again; if this company puts their marriage at risk, he is going to stop creating it right away...and he's going to make sure they are strong before they do anything else. He doesn't care that Kelly is currently here, and dependant on him creating the company so that he can have a job; he's more concerned about his marriage, and making sure that they are stable. He believes that's what they already are, now to just make sure that Gabby feels the same way about their marriage; that she also believes that their marriage is strong, and that they are going to be together for the rest of their lives (because they are). Matt can't see a life without Gabby as his wife, and that just makes him smile more than anything in the entire world; Gabby truly is the woman of his dreams, and he can't wait to raise their family together for the rest of their lives...here in Hawaii.

And if he has to tell her that every single day for the rest of their lives, then he's going to do that; as he wants Gabby to get it drilled in her brain that they're forever, and that there's no future where they aren't married and raising their kids together. And there's also no future where she's not going to give him a daughter in the future, which is something that he definitely wants to have. Matt wants a baby girl in the future, and Gabby is going to be the mother of all of his children. And that's not a wish that he has for the future. Rather, that's a statement that he's making; a statement that will always be true, because (like he just said)...she is the only woman that he will ever have kids with. Now, time to just tell his wife that; and make sure that she hears him clearly. Staring at his girl as he walked out of the bathroom after shaving a bit more (he already shaved a bit this morning), Matt smirked at the sight of her wearing some lingerie that he really enjoys.

Just making his way over to his beautiful wife, Matt smirked while shaking his head. "God, I am really not worthy of you." Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, watching as he made his way over to her this morning. "I can say the same about you." Matt shook his head when Gabby told him that, as that will never be the truth; Gabby is the love of his life, and he will always be much less worthy of her after all that he's put her through. (After all, he's the one who yelled at her when they had that fight). Just walking up to his queen, Matt smiled as he looked at his girl and stared at her. Afterwards, he wrapped his arms around her and smirked as this was everything that they both wanted right now. Just standing close to Gabby, Matt smirked as he pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. He then went ahead and kissed her softly, taking things nice and slow with his girl. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that. "Well, I can definitely tell that's true."

Matt was a bit confused when he heard Gabby tell him that, as he didn't really understand how that was the case. "How?" Gabby smiled when Matt asked her how she knew that he loves her, and that was based on how they just had a bunch of fun with each other in the shower. Fun that she especially enjoys when she's pregnant with their children. "I can tell because of how much fun we just had with each other in the shower, fun that I know you'll only have with the woman you love more than anything the entire world." Matt smirked when he heard Gabby tell him that, as that was the truth. "Oh, now isn't that the truth?" Stepping extremely close to her, Matt smirked when he felt Gabby put her hand on his abs; moving his hand to her neck, Matt then leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly. "Listen, you said that you wanted to talk to me about something in the shower." Matt then bent down and proceeded to kiss Gabby's neck as a way to tease her.

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