Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six

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Hello dear readers, and welcome to another day of chapters. I hope to provide you with more chapters than I did yesterday, as I am truly enjoying this story more each and every day. But now, how about we get to the date that Matt and Gabby are going to enjoy? A some nice, quality alone time that's long overdue for the couple; so, let's get to it, shall we?

Also, I am very sorry over the fact that I am posting so late. I hope you understand that I do want to put quality over quantity of my chapters. I pride myself on the quality of my chapters, and the length of the chapters as well. Thanks.

They were currently in the midst of driving down the quiet streets of their neighborhood in Matt's Tesla Model X, the car that was not the one that was damaged. And let's just say that this was a nice feeling. After all, they weren't inside anymore; rather, they were out and about with each other as they enjoyed some nice alone time where they can just take it easy with each other. After all, it was definitely something that the couple needed to have every once and a while; especially since it's time that they'll never get back. Once they have the twins, they aren't going to be able to go on dates like this in the future; a future that Matt will never change, as he's always wanted to be a dad. And that's exactly what he's going to be in May after they have the twins, he's going to be a father to Gabriel and Matteo; the children of his dreams. But that was not what Matt was concentrated on right now, as he was instead concentrating on his beautiful wife.

The wife that he loves more than anything in the entire world, and who looks absolutely beautiful today; oh, let's face it. Matt thinks that she looks beautiful every day as it was the truth, along with the fact that he was currently interacting with his sons in a way. While he was concentrating on the road right now, Matt also had his hand on Gabby's stomach as he felt their sons move in her stomach. While it wasn't as pronounced as it will be in the future, it was at least nice to be able to feel their sons kick against his hand; the hand that would one day change their diapers in the future, a future that will always include children. And that was just something special that the future father was looking forward to each and every day. And that was something that Gabby was well aware of as she admired her husband while putting her hand on his. Stroking his hand with her thumb, Gabby just smiled as she looked out at the beautiful ocean that she now lived by.

And even better, it was the perfect way to calm her down; and it was exactly what she needed right now, as it turned out that there was another reason why she needed to get out. And that was because she just needed to be alone with her husband and get this quality time with him. And while she loves staying home, she is a bit sad over the fact that they will soon have to share each and every day with their sons; as much as she wants to be a mom, she's going to miss being with her husband too. Turning her head as she took a breath, Gabby decided to move her hand to the back of her husband's head, running her fingers through his hair so that she can just admire him even more. However, that feeling of his wife's fingers running through his hair began to concern the husband. So, he decided to put his hand on her leg and stroked it with his thumb. "Something that you want to talk to me about Gabby?" Gabby took a breath as she heard Matt's question.

"Just thinking about the fact that, in a couple months that this alone time that we're sharing with each other; it's going to be gone, because we have the boys." Matt sighed when he heard Gabby say that, having expected this question to come up at some point. And that was why Matt decided to get off the highway so that they can take to each other, and so that Matt can hold her in his arms; after all, that's what Matt needs to do for his wife. Anyways, he also needs to do something else. He needs to clarify that he's always going to be there for her. Even though he says it all the time when they that in public, there's just something about him telling her things that she needs to get in her mind in private that really make it resonate for her more; it makes sure that Gabby understands that he's always going to put three things above anything else. And those things are (1) her, the woman he loves, (2) their marriage; and (3) their twins Gabriel and Matteo.

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