Chapter Eleven: I Changed My Mind

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Hello Readers, I hope you guys are enjoying the road trip across America that I'm writing for you guys. So far, I believe that the couple have been having a bunch of fun; am I right? Well, I hope that you guys plan on continuing to read for a while. And if you have ideas for me on places that they should stop in some cities, let me know. Thanks again and enjoy.

Gabby was just wearing some of her little underwear this evening after she and her loving husband made love to each other on this, their first night on the road. And God, it was the perfect way for them to have checked Ohio off their list. But what list am I referring to? Well, before Matt and Gabby left; they decided that they wanted to make love to each other in all 49 of the states (and some of the Canadian provinces, at the time) that they plan on visiting. However, there was one state that they already agreed that they were not going to visit. That state being Alaska, as they don't want to go there since they think it'll be too cold. However, there is one state (and another territory) that they are going to be visiting even though it's not a state that they can reach in an RV. And those states (and territories) are Hawaii and Puerto Rico respectfully, Puerto Rico being the place that Gabby is the most excited to visit; as Matt agreed that they're going to volunteer for a while too.

So, that's going to be fun; just the two of them in the sun, enjoying each other (just like they are right now) as they have fun in the sun. God, the feeling of Matt's hand on her back was definitely something that Gabby wanted to feel for a while, as it was perfect; and Matt wanted it too due to the fact that it told his gorgeous wife that he was turned on right now, especially due to the fact that she had her arms wrapped tight around his torso; and that meant that her body was pressed against his. God, the feeling of her nice body against his as they lay down next to each other side-by-side; well, that's exactly what they wanted to do. This was exactly what Gabby wanted to do, shortly after making love to her husband; the man that she wants to have a baby with more than anything in the entire world, her loving husband. And thanks to what they just did, they are (hopefully) in the midst of starting their journey to having a family. A family to raise together, madly in love.

And it turned out, Gabby was not the only one of them who had that on their mind right now. Rather, Matt was thinking about it too after they spent the past two hours having two rounds of sex. But now, they were no longer having sex; rather, they were listening to some music. At least, they were until Matt decided to grab his phone and pause the music that the couple were listening to. Looking up at Matt when she heard the music stop, Gabby was confused; unsure as to why he just stopped the music, especially when (she thought) that they were both enjoying the music that they were listening to at the moment. "So, what was the reason that you decided to shut off the music?" Matt smiled when he heard his wife ask him that, ready to tell him what he has on his mind right now; the fact that he's changed his mind on her getting pregnant. Yes, you heard that right. Matt has decided to change his mind over the fact that he (originally) didn't want her to be pregnant.

And he was sure that Gabby was going to love that, as she has always wanted to get pregnant with their child. And now, her husband was on the same page as her as he wanted to get her pregnant now. "I want to talk to you about something." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that. "Oh, you do now?" Matt nodded as he looked at Gabby when she asked him if he wanted to talk to her, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear at the same time so that he could see her eyes; after all, the strand of hair that he just pushed behind her was covering her beautiful eyes that he wants to look into right now. So, now he had the ability to look into them without any problems; and he loved that. "So, I want to talk to you about the thing that really caused us to have problems in the first place. The thing about..." Gabby then took a breath. "Me getting pregnant. Matt, are you changing your mind again?" Matt shook his head when she asked him if he was changing his mind.

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