(44) First Day Back - Part One: Breakfast

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Hi Readers: I hope you enjoyed a quick glimpse into the eve of Matt's first shift back at the firehouse. However, I've decided that I want to get to writing that ASAP. So that's what I am doing starting this chapter. I now present to you, Matt's first shift back at the firehouse. I hope you enjoy, and if you have ideas for me; feel free to send them to me. Now, let's go!

He was currently in the midst of walking around his kitchen this morning, trying to stay quiet with the hopes of allowing his wife to stay asleep a bit longer before he had to (ultimately) wake her up so that she could eat breakfast ahead of them going to the firehouse today. But the truth was, he was also awake as he tried to just get past a bit of the nerves that came with this being his first shift back. The nerves that he's going to screw up, or that he's going to get hurt; or even worse, that he's going to die when his wife needs him the most; that he's going to die before he even has a chance to meet their twins, the twins that he wants more than anything in the entire world. So, to say that Matt was on pins and needles was an understatement. Yet, that didn't mean that Matt was going to show that to his wife; he didn't want to give her any reason to think that he wasn't going to be extra cautious when it came to him making sure that he did everything in his power to come back to her tomorrow. That's just something that's already a given due to the fact that, he wants to be a father.

And that's just something that he can't wait for. However, there was somebody else who was a bit impatient when it came to it being his first day back; and that would be his Chief. Chief Wallace Boden. Seeing Chief Boden calling his phone this morning, Matt snickered a bit since he knew the exact reason that he was calling; he was calling to make sure that he wasn't changing his mind, and that he was going to be joining the house for his first shift back today. And Matt truly was proud to say that he was. She was coming back, and he was going to be staying. Now, he just needed to tell Chief that so that he wasn't worried as to whether he was coming to shift or not. Answering his phone this morning, Matt put it up to his ear and went to speak to his chief right away. "I'm coming in to shift today." Laughing using his big, belly laugh that is very familiar to everybody that works at the firehouse, Boden replied to the Captain this fine morning; relieved he was coming.

"Is it really that obvious that's the reason that I'm calling you this morning?" Matt smiled when his chief asked him whether it was THAT obvious. "Unfortunately chief, it is. And I promise that I am coming in. In fact, I'm already wearing my uniform and just packing up some of my things; I just need to wake Gabby up and get her ready, and then we'll be on our way to the firehouse for shift." Boden snickered a bit. "Well, make sure that you're safe out there. The roads don't look the best." Matt agreed with his chief when he said that, well aware that was the case. "That's why I'm getting ready first, so that I can make sure that I have everything ready; and I also know that we're going to need to have to leave earlier than normal. Now, do you think that we're going to be running into overtime today?" Boden sighed. "I'm hoping that we aren't. Why, do you guys have a prenatal appointment tomorrow?" Matt smiled. "No, that's Monday. I'm just curious as I need to talk to Gabby."

Boden agreed with Matt when he said that, well aware that he needs to talk to his pregnant wife. "If Gabby doesn't feel comfortable coming in, then she doesn't have to Matt." Matt sighed when he heard his chief say that. "Boden, it's either both of us; or neither of us. I didn't want to mention this last night, because it would've been too much information at once but..." Matt just took a breath as he went ahead and made sure that Gabby wasn't coming. "I'm worried, and that's why I want her there...I don't want to be away from her while she's pregnant..." Boden then understood why. "Because of what happened the last time she was pregnant." Matt agreed with his Chief, sighing. "I know, it sounds ridiculous." Boden disagreed completely with his captain when he said that, as it was not ridiculous. "No, it's not Casey. It's completely understandable that you want to have your pregnant wife here with you. Just make sure you use your back office."

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