Chapter Fifty-Five: Black Friday Blog Post

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Hello Readers, and welcome to another day of Chapters. I hope you enjoyed yesterday's chapters, but now we're going to start a nice day of comfort and relaxation in bed. Hope you're ready for it, because I sure am. Now, let's not waste time and just get right at her. I now present to you, Chapter Fifty-Five of Matt & Gabby's Journey to Parenthood.

November 23, 2018
Dear Readers of the Casey Family Blog:
I know, new title again. (Sorry for that). But I think this one will stick, as that's what me and my husband are. We're already a family, and we're currently expecting our first children (twins if you've forgotten). Now, boy do I have an update for you guys. As you all know, yesterday was Thanksgiving Day (happy belated Thanksgiving by the way everybody) and boy was it a Thanksgiving to remember. And I can only explain it by one word: DRAMA! I know, what's a family holiday without a bit of family drama. Well, that's not exactly the reason why there was drama. Buckle up readers, because you guys are in for a wild ride when I tell you guys just what happened yesterday. Well first, I want to say this...before any of you worry, Baby A and Baby B Casey are fine; there's nothing to worry about when it comes to the twins. They are both okay, so don't get your panties in a twist when you hear about how we went to the hospital recently.

Rather, that was for another reason. Unfortunately, one of our friends' dads had a heart attack yesterday; and that was the first part of the drama, as it happened so early on into Matt's shift. (If you forgot, I mentioned that I may not be posting yesterday because Matt was working). Well, he did work...for one call. That ended up being his only (and last) call of the day, and for the rest of his career. Yes, unfortunately I am no longer married to a hunky firefighter (he'll always be one in my arms though). The reason? Well, here's the thing. The man I referred to as 'our friend's dad' isn't just one of our friend's dads to my husband. Rather, he's always been a type of a surrogate father to my husband, so it hit pretty close to home for my husband. And even worse, said man was also a firefighter; and it just hit really close to home, along with other things. God, I didn't think it would be this hard to explain. But here's the short version. Firefighter + Exposure = Heart Attack.

And he didn't like that. As you all know, my husband has always wanted to be a father; so, he's worried that, if he stays at the firehouse...that it will happen to him as well, and he's just too scared. But this time, he said he's done. He can't do it anymore because it's just getting way too hard for him to do it, especially after he just watched the man he sees as a surrogate father go ahead and have a heart attack. So yeah, that was the first thing that we had to deal with yesterday; my husband quitting the fire department for good. (Still have to talk to him about the fact that this is for good, or else I will be holding back sex). Okay, maybe not during my pregnancy (hello, hormones). And that means that I will not be the happiest of wives. But that's not what matters right now, as that's really just the first part of this post; now, we need to talk about what happened on Thanksgiving. God, a bunch happened. Let's first start with the fact that I got to see my family for a bit.

We ended up surprising my mom at her place, and that was really nice. But it turns out, that my friend's dad's heart attack didn't just impact my husband; it also impacted me, as I really started to have a hard time. Heck, I just started to hold on to my husband so I was scared to loose him. But now, I am proud to say that I am going to have him for the rest of my life, and that's just the best feeling in the entire world. Now, I am not going to say that this is all thanks to that fact that my friend's dad had a heart attack; but I do think that it would've never happened had he not had a heart attack. Be honest with me in the comments people, is it wrong for me to be grateful for this heart attack to save my husband's life for the rest of my life; and also take a load of stress off of my mind. (By the way, if you're reading this Severide...I'm really sorry. I just use this to post what I'm thinking right now). But still, I am just glad that I am going to have him safe for the rest of his life.

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