There for Each Other, Forever

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Hi Readers, sorry that last chapter was short. I just needed something to get me started on this new journey that I'm starting. But, let me know what you guys think of the new start that I'm giving to you guys. Thanks again. Now, on to 22.

With Gabby now being done her tea, she smiled as she found herself just laying down in bed as she watched TV. However, watching TV was not the only think that Gabby wanted to be doing right now; rather, she wanted to have her husband in bed with her. But right now, she wasn't in her husband arms; instead, he was currently in the midst of doing a bit more unpacking (she left some of her things here as she thought she was coming back). Having never asked anybody to send them back, they stayed exactly where they were before. And now, Gabby was watching as Matt walked back and forth from their bed as he unpacked another one of his bags. (He didn't want to do it when they first got here, because he wanted to concentrate on getting to know his new home first). But right now, he had to unpack since he was tired of living out of bags. After all, he's been living out of bags since they left to go on their road trip; but they had a home now, a home where he was living with his wife. And since he was living here now, he didn't want to be living out of a suitcase. But at the same time, he was also doing something else (without knowing it). And that thing? He was turning his wife on. He was making her hormonal, and that was not fair (in her opinion); she believes that he should be in bed with her, holding her close.

But he still believes that him unpacking is more important than holding her, which was definitely not the truth; as she wants her husband to hold her, both for hormonal and emotional reasons. I mean, she did just miscarry their child. But, at the same time, she can't help but wonder whether Matt is not in bed with her for another reason. A reason related to the fact that he blames himself, blames himself for the miscarriage. Maybe, if he hadn't yelled at her, then they wouldn't have miscarriage; then they may even have a child or be close to having a child by now. However, that doesn't mean that they're moving home. No, they're staying put; and that's just a fact. They're going to stay put, and they're going to enjoy the new life that they are going to enjoy together. And the truth was, that sounds perfect; and it sounds like it's just what they need to do. But now, there was something else that she wanted her husband to do; and that was get in bed with her, as she wants to share a kiss with him. She wants to take it slow with him, as he proves to her what he told her when they learned; that he'll always be there for her. And while she does believe him, she told him that she wants him to show her That fact.

She wants him to hold her in his arms, and she wants to share a kiss with her husband; and that means that he needs to get in bed with her this evening. Sure, it's still early; and yes, they have a bunch of time for them to make out this evening. But that doesn't mean that she doesn't want to start now, and doesn't want to keep going for a while. In fact, that was exactly what she wants to do. She doesn't want to have sex tonight, she just wants to take it easy with Matt as they talk to each other. Talk to each other about something important, the guilt she feels over having pushed him. Maybe, had they....she felt the same guilt that Matt did, that's all you need to know. Yet, she hasn't gotten her husband in bed yet. And that was what she wanted right now, as she wanted to take it easy with her husband; so, it was time for her to tell him that. It was time for her to tell him that she wants him to come join her in bed. She wants to talk to her husband about how this really affected them. Sure, they (briefly) spoke about it in Chicago, and they spoke about it on the flight; but she still doesn't feel...satisfied that they spoke about it as much as they need to talk about it. She just hopes that Matt is open to it.

She's been trying to delay this conversation as long as possible, but it's time for it to happen; it's time for them to have this conversation. So, time for her to bring it up and just tell her husband that she wants to talk to him about it. She wants to tell him that she wants to talk about how it all went down. Taking a deep breath, Gabby proceeded to talk to the man of her dreams. "Baby?" Matt then turned around and looked at Gabby. "Yeah, you okay?" Gabby took a breath when Matt asked her that. "Can we..." Matt sighed, already well aware of what his wife was trying to ask him. She wanted to talk to him about the fight that they had, and how it wouldn't have happened had they gotten the accurate information that they just recently got; and that's something that's really been hanging over them for a while. And if Matt's not ready to talk about it, Gabby will understand; but she wants to talk about it. "Baby, if you aren't ready..." Matt shook his head when Gabby asked him if he wasn't ready to talk about the whole ordeal that they've gone through or the past couple months, the ordeal that almost made them loose what they have with each other; and that really hurt them both. Now, they need to talk about it. "I think it's time for us to talk about it baby." Gabby agreed with Matt, smiling at the man of her dreams. "Join me?"

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