Chapter One Hundred and Twenty

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Hello Readers, and welcome to another day of chapters. Sorry that this one is already quite late, but I had something happen in the middle of me writing this chapter. Now, I hope that you enjoyed all of the chapters (including the dream chapter) that I wrote for you guys yesterday. If you did, I'd really like to hear back from you guys as to what you guys thought. I hope to read your comments in the future and take any ideas that you guys might give me. I'm truly glad that you guys have enjoyed the story so far, and I hope that you continue to enjoy this story as I continue to write it for you guys. Now, what do you guys say we get back to the story? Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Twenty.

January 2nd, 2019 – Casey Living Room
She asked her husband to wake up earlier than normal, as she thought that there was going to be a chance that he might work on the company at some point today; so, she wanted to make sure that she got to spend a bit of quality time with her loving husband before he was stolen away from her for a while. Before he goes into his office with some other people, so that he can talk to them about what they're going to do (or he proposes that they do) in the company. And the truth was, Matt loved the idea when Gabby first proposed it the night before; and so, they decided to do just that last night. They decided to take a moment alone this morning, somewhere other than in their bed; something non-sexual, in another place in their home (more specifically, a public space such as their living room). Well, less sexual at least. And that was currently what they are in the midst of doing with each other, as they cuddled up to each other on the couch this morning.

And even better, Gabby was extremely comfortable as they did exactly what she wanted to do this morning, especially as she felt her loving husband wrap his arms around her and put one of his hands on her stomach; the stomach that was still growing each and every day, and full of the delicious egg breakfast that he made for the both of them today while she took a shower. Yes, the couple ended up taking individual showers; this was so that they didn't get too hormonal with each other, as it may lead to him getting less work done than he wishes to complete today. He really wants to figure out how they are going to do everything that he wants to do in the company, while also trying to start the company without it being too hard; he wants to figure out where they can start the company, in the easiest way possible. But that was not what Matt should thinking about at this very moment, as he should be thinking about the casserole that he made for breakfast.

The casserole that was absolutely delicious, and that Gabby enjoyed just as much as him; as that was something that is very important to the husband, as he doesn't want her to ever throw up after she eats something that he makes for her. Even better, Gabby knew exactly where Matt got the recipe; after all, it was her mother's recipe. Having at the recipe for the longest time, she could recognize it from anywhere as she's had it many times over the past few years; more specifically, when she made it a few times while she was in Puerto Rico. And when she compared the casserole that Matt made for her this morning, to the ones that her mother made for her in the past (and the ones that she made by herself in Puerto Rico); it tasted better than it ever did before. However, that's also because she seemed to find that it tasted better and batter each and every time that she had it. She appreciated the time and love that comes with having to make the dish, and very well.

But that was not the only thing that was perfect at the month; rather, the other thing that was perfect at the moment was the non-awkward silence that they were currently sitting in. Right now, they were sitting together as they just relaxed in each other's arms; as they laid down on the couch together, while watching the Today Show from New York City. And that was something that she really liked to do, as it made her laugh. Running his hand up and down Gabby's back as she laughed, Matt couldn't help but let a smile escape his lips as he pressed another kiss on his beautiful wife's forehead as they just relaxed with each other right now. But what Matt didn't know, was that she wasn't laughing about something that was said, but that she was truly laughing because of how cold the weather is in New York City; at least, compared to the beautiful weather that they have here in Hawaii. Putting his hand on Gabby's baby bump as he heard her chuckle, Matt smiled.

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