Chapter Thirty-Two: Skinny Dipping

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Hello Readers, and welcome to another day of chapters for you guys. I am definitely ready to start writing for you, and I can't wait to see what you guys all think of the chapters today; especially the one that I'm starting for you. Enjoy.

Her robe was wrapped tight around her body as they both made their way out to the pool this afternoon, the couple ready to get in so that they could take a swim/skinny dip together in their pool. The pool that they made sure to get specifically for Matt. Yes, you heard that right; the couple specifically looked for a home with a pool for Matt. The reason? Well, Gabby knew that he wouldn't be ready to go right from the cold Chicago temperature to the scorching hot, constant regular days in Puerto Rico where it's always warm, which is a reason why she's actually glad that she's pregnant at the moment. The reason? It means that they can go slowly when it comes to getting into the non-air-conditioned areas of the island. Oh, and it can also make sure that Matt can learn all of the Spanish that he can. That's going to come in handy when they're working with the charity, as there are a lot of Spanish speakers on the island (they should almost make it an official language there).

However, that didn't mean that Gabby was just going to let Matt off the hook when it comes to him not doing a little bit of volunteering even if they stay near San Juan; they are staying in this home on the condition that they help in the recovery efforts here in San Juan, so she feels obligated to make sure that they do the work that they came here to do as much as possible. Therefore, they are going to help in the recovery as much as they can; and that's going to be a lot of fun, especially when she and Matt are going to (eventually) do it together. But right now, that isn't a possibility due to the fact that Gabby is currently 6 weeks pregnant with their twins. Twins that they can't wait to meet next May. However, they were not thinking about that right now (as they were now at the pool); so, it was time to do something else. More specifically, it was time for the couple to get into the pool where they can hold each other close and just have fun in the pool. (Sexy fun?)

Oh, now that would be absolutely perfect. Nothing like the two of them just having a bunch of sexy fun with each other, fun that will definitely include Matt holding his beautiful wife tight to his chest; and maybe even making love to her in the pool. Oh, if he can convince Gabby to let him make love to her in the pool; then that would definitely be paradise, as he wants to make love to her in the pool more than anything. The way the water is just going to wrap itself around the both of them, it will be similar as to how Matt plans on wrapping his strong, muscular arms around his wife. The wife whom he loves more and more each and every day, and whom he can't wait to raise their twins with. Turning to look at his beautiful wife once they were at the edge of the pool, Matt smirked as she truly is extremely beautiful. Stepping close to each other, Matt and Gabby both smiled at each other. Meanwhile, Matt moved his hand to the back of his gorgeous wife's head this afternoon.

And he truly means it when he says that she's gorgeous. Each and every day, he thinks that she gets even more beautiful than she was the day before; and that's just something that he will always believe. He refuses to ever believe the idea that his wife doesn't look even sexier each and every day, because she does. And the thing that makes her look sexier each and every day, is her pregnancy believe it or not. Her being pregnant is the best thing in the entire world, and he is just so proud of his wife for having done this for them. Sure, she wants to do it for him; but he also believes that she's doing it for herself. She's always wanted to be a mom, and he knows just how crushed she was when they lost Louie. So, for them to get their family back is a dream come true; and Matt will always be grateful to the woman he's proud to call the love of his life for giving them this family that they're going to raise here in Puerto Rico for the rest of their lives. It'll be perfect.

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