𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱 . 𝐠𝐨𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬

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    I pinch the bridge of my nose and walk away from the prison entrance, muttering words even I didn't understand.

I had been here one to many times, standing in front of the prison knowing damn well I'll never step foot into that place, it'll ruin my image.

As much as I miss Dream, I'd like him to stay in there, being associated with him would also ruin my image.

To be honest, everything to do with him ruined my image, but I'm slowly working myself up to the top again, now I'm just below XD.. I'm almost better than god himself.

You have to make sacrifices to be perfect, and abandoning Dream was that sacrifice, next was Sapnap.

As I walk to my destination I find myself laughing at the memory of Sapnap crying to me about how Karl's "joking" angered Quackity and he thinks their relationship is over.

I knew it from the beginning they wouldn't last, Quackity never had feelings for Sapnap.. though he did for Karl. Not to mention Quackity's anger issues, he's not a good person, though, no one here is. Not even the sweetest.

Though me? I'm perfect.

I love how everyone just sees me as sleeping beauty, I get the regular amount of sleep, that time when no one sees me is the time I spend finding dirt on everyone so I can get them to do what I want.

And that brings me to Frankie's house-- well.. old house, I think. She's very good at keeping quiet about things, not spilling any secrets.. but Tubbo on the other hand.

Oh, I can only imagine what she'd do for me just so I'd keep quiet about her past relationship with Dream-- or what if I blackmailed Quackity? Ooh, I have so much dirt on him, why haven't I used it yet?


I smirk, moving my eyes before I turn around completely. "Frankie.. dear, it's not nice to lurk" I press the palms of my hands together and tilt my head to the side.

"I should be telling you the same thing" she flicks a mushroom earring at me, I calmly catch it and attach it back to the small clip on my ear, dropping my hands back at my sides and letting the earring hang.

"Thank you for returning this, it was a gift from myself" I chuckle, gently brushing the hair out of my face with my fingers.

"Cut this royalty shit and tell me how much you heard" Frankie crosses her arms.

"Oh sweetie.. I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about" I tilt my head up and smile, closing my eyes.

"You overheard me and Tubbo talking about my old relationship with Dream-- shit!" She stomps her foot, angry that I got what I wanted. "Just fucking admit you overheard us!"

"Alright, alright.. you caught me. Yes, I heard your conversation.. and I must say, you? With him?" I giggle. "You could do so much better.." I cross my arms behind my back and slowly walk over to her.

"Yeah? Tell me goggles, who would be my perfect match?" She rolls her eyes. I trail my fingers up her arm before grabbing her by the hair and pulling her down to my height.

"Me" I scoff. "Isn't it obvious?"

She scoffs back, yanking my hand down and out of her hair. "When were you ever perfect? Dream may not be perfect but he isn't a self centered asshole.. well.. he wasn't before he went to prison"

I smile and shake my head. "Frankie listen to yourself, isn't it obvious, you still want to love him but it's getting harder and harder everyday" I coo. "I wonder.. when will be the day you finally snap? When will be the day you let your anger take control and you turn into what you really are?" I step onto my tippy toes and place a hand on her shoulder to steady myself, I bring my lips to her ear and smirk. "A monster.." I whisper.

I hear her breathing stop, she shoves me back and I quickly regain my balance. "Shut the fuck up!" She shouts.

I straighten out my glasses, resting them back on my nose before clearing my throat. "I'm just saying.." I shrug, walking back over to her. "I'll be the only person who ever actually loves you.." I step closer to her again. "So why don't you come with me before I blackmail you? You don't want anyone finding out about your relationship.. correct?"

She purses her lips, looking down at me. "You wouldn't fucking dare"

"Oh I would. I could just tell Karl and Sapnap now-- not that they'd care.. but maybe hmm, maybe Purpled would, I've seen him smile with you.." I glance at her to see the reaction to him, nothing. "Or Punz.." I grin when I see her eyes grow wide.

"I don't care! Do it!" She crosses her arms.

"What?" I stomp my foot. "No! You're suppose to care!" I grumble. "Now I don't want to"

"Okay, fuck you" she flips me off.

"No! Fuck you!" I yell back. "I'm gonna tell him anyways but it'll be no fun!"

"Good! Tell him!" She looks away from me, I giggle and she looks back at me.

"Watch me"


    "Oh.. uh.. darn, that's a shocker!" Punz snaps his fingers. "Frankie and Dream? Once dating? I wouldn't expect the two most well-known people in the SMP to be fuck buddies"

"What?" I look at him confused. "They.. they weren't dating? They were just.."

Punz rolls his eyes. "Well.. they were" He shrugs. "For like three months before just becoming F.B's"

I look down and get lost in thought, so why didn't Frankie correct me? Did she really not care? What if everyone knew about it? Of course they did! Punz is right, their the two most well-known people in the SMP.

"Ugh" I roll my eyes. "No wonder she didn't care"

"Yeah.. I know everything about Frankie.." He goes quiet. "Okay.. maybe not everything" he sighs. "So was that all? You just wanted to tell me something from months ago that no one cares about?" He crosses his arms.

"W-What.. yeah, yeah that was all" I shake my head and walk away. Maybe no one cares about anyone anymore.

I stop in my tracks, running my fingers through my hair. What's wrong with me? No one ever cared about anyone but themselves this whole time.

But maybe I can tell this information to someone who just wants to be noticed, even if their a villian.


Froggie speaks!
Eat&Drink <3

𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 . 𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬Where stories live. Discover now