All I Need

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters for you guys. I really hope that you guys are okay with the turn of events that happened yesterday, as I think that this is the best way forward for my story. However, I want to be honest with you all at the same time that; even I was surprised with how that all turned out. Never in a million years could I have imagined that Matt and Gabby's return to the firehouse would simply last a couple hours. I expected it to last at least an entire shift. However, things turned out a certain way; and it led to where we are. Now, let's get on with today's chapters.

The sound of his heartbeat was currently all that the paramedic, wife, and future mother was in could concentrate on at the moment as she and Matt laid down in the large bath of their Chicago home. While the original plan was for the couple to relax in bed today, Matt proposed that they take a bath prior to doing so as a way to calm her down; if not for her health, then for the health of their twins. While the doctor did tell them that, as far as she could tell; that their children were okay, that didn't mean that the pending father wasn't still worried both for the sake of their twins (and for his wife). He loves Gabby more than anything in the entire world, and he can't help but feel a bit at fault for all the stress that she feels at the moment. He was the one who was so determined to go back to the firehouse, to get back to shift; but he knew for a fact that his wife wasn't ready for him to do that, and it truly breaks his heart that he didn't see it before the hospital.

He didn't see it before it was too late, for Gabby to have seen what the possibilities could've been today; and that was scaring Matt, the repercussions that may come from the experience that they might deal with in the aftermath of Kelly's injury. But he could never blame his friend for this, as he would never be at fault. Rather, if anybody was at fault for this mess that he now finds himself in; it would be him, as he agreed to go back before even consulting his wife (or her doctor). That should've been something that they did, as maybe she would've deterred him from returning to the firehouse so soon. Maybe she would've made him rethink about all of the scenarios that could've happened, and the stress that his wife would be under while he's on shift; because that was everything that he was in the middle of thinking about right now as they laid down in the bath with each other this afternoon. That was the real reason for the bath if they were being honest.

It was so that Matt could get Gabby to relax in his arms, and so that they didn't NEED to talk at the same time; that meant that he would be given a chance to think about everything that's currently swirling around his head, as a way to make sure that he's in the right mindset when it comes to relaxing with Gabby in bed this afternoon; because one thing that he definitely doesn't want, is for all of these thoughts that he has in his head to be there when they're relaxing in bed with each other. Yet, at the same time, he's trying to make his wife believe that he wasn't thinking over too many things as he wanted her to breathe as she laid down on his chest; and that was why he was kissing her forehead at the same time, as it gave her quiet reassurance that everything was okay at the moment (even thought it isn't). Matt just has a lot on his mind, but he'd rather not have to share it with his wife if he didn't need to; both for her sake, and for the sake of the twins.

That was, until he heard the love of his life speak to him. "If you think that you kissing my forehead, as we sit here in silence, is making me believe that a bunch of thoughts aren't currently swirling around your head at the moment Matthew; then you are surely mistaken. Rather, it has the opposite effect as it just confirms my theory that you have a lot on your mind; things that we both know that you should be talking to me about rather than keeping it in your mind, like we promised each other we would do when we're hurting. Yes, I made that promise to you; but it's a two way street baby, you need to talk to me too so that we can make sure that we're on the same page." Looking down at the woman he loves, Matt snickered a bit as she could really (and did) read him very well. Bending down as they just held each other in the bath at the moment, Matt proceeded to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt.

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