Training room

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Natasha pov
"May i come in?"

"Wanda..." i whispered

my heart beat faster after hearing her voice. I approached the door and touched the door handle with my right hand, I could hear her breathing. I opened the door and met her beautiful eyes.

"Why do I feel this way about her? A few hours ago, if you had asked me a question about Wanda, I would probably have said that I don't want anything to do with her, but now... I feel completely different about her,BUT WHY!"
I thought and looked into Wanda's eyes, she slowly smiled at me and finally broke the silence.

"Natasha, I want to apologize to you. I acted recklessly and could not control my emotions. I'm really sorry and-"

"Woah woah! Wanda slow down"I cut her off and laughed a little.

"It's okay, it happens sometimes, I know how difficult it is to not kiss ME." I teased and her cheeks reddened.

"Let's not talk about this anymore, okay?" I said, she nodded in agreement and turned her back to me and started walking towards her room. I just stood there and got an idea.

"Hey Wanda wait!"I ran slowly and she turned around. She tilted her head slightly and waited for me to speak up.

"I don't think I can go back to sleep, so if you don't mind, let's start training now." When I finished speaking, I looked at Wanda intently and waited for her answer.

"Well why not, I'll be ready and down to the gym in five minutes."

Ok, Maximoff, I'll see you there."I smiled and ran to the hall. Exactly five minutes later, Wanda opened the gym door. She was wearing a black sports bra and sweatpants.
"Oh my" i thought to my self.

She chuckled and walked into the room.



"How much have you heard about my powers?"

"I know enough about them, why are you asking?"

She shrugged, put her bag on the floor and slowly walked towards me. I was sitting on the floor with my hands behind my back and keeping my balance. Wanda held out her hand, and instead of getting up I grabbed her hand and threw her on the exercise mat.

"Rule number one! Never trust your opponent."She let out a groan and jumped off the mat. I got up soon and watched her movements.

"Well, show me what you got Maximoff." Wanda smirked and ran towards me, when she got close I jumped on her face and wrapped my legs around her neck. This was my favorite trick. Wanda brought her hands to my waist. My breath hitched at her touch, she quickly removed me from her face and threw me to the floor.

"Well you have tricks, Romanoff." She chuckled evilly and kicked me in the face. I stood up, brought my hand to my lip and wiped the blood away.

"It was a very strong punch for such a little girl." She chuckled at my comment and backed away. I ran towards her and we got into fist fight. I soon mastered her movements and when I got the chance, I threw Wanda to the floor with a swing of my leg.

"That's not fair" she started getting up but i quickly sat on her stomach.

"Do you know what not fair?"
I leaned towards her face and looked into her eyes. Her breathing quickened and I knew I had an effect on her.

"that my lips are bleeding thanks to you." I got up from her stomach and held out my hand to help her up. She grabbed my hand and soon threw me to the floor. She quickly sat on top of me and brought her hand to my throat.

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