Red Room

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Natasha pov

"Im sorry" was the last thing i said to Yelena as i shocked her like i did to Wanda. God i hated this.

After seconds Red Room soldiers came in and took them in their arms. I walked outside and saw jets, cars, helicopters. Well Red Room here we come.

You might ask- how the FUCK did that happened? Well Melina eventually took of her softie mask and showed her bitch side. She had called Dreykov and told him that we were her and we were looking for him. Yep thats mama.


Wanda pov

I opened my eyes and looked around. Cell? Really! I sat up on the bed i was laying on and heard groaning. Was that Alexie? What happened- oh my god Natasha!

"NATASHA" i screamed as i stood up.

N: "im here-" i heard her voice and i felt relieved. I tried using my powers but it didn't work-

"what is wrong with my powers?"

N: "you will probably have them back in like half hour." Well that was not grate.

A: "natasha- i can't save us." I heard Alexie speak.
"I need you to know that im sorry. I pledged my life to cause, you know i thought i was being very brave. Possibly the bravest, but i wasn't being brave. I was coward." I looked out the cell window and saw Natasha standing in front of me. She opened the door and walked towards Alexies.
Well that was weird.

I got out and saw her typing code in cell lock and Alexie was free too. He came out and looked around, shocked.

A: "how did you do THAT-" he asked and i walked towards her. I looked at her confused and then at Alexie. He was just as confused as i was.

N: "i designed these cells myself." She said and putted her fingers on her face and suddenly her face was gone and it was Melina.

"What the fuck-?" I said as i took a step back.

A: "WHAT?" Alexie said as we exchanged looks.

A: i bared my soul to you and it was just you the whole time?"

M: "yes. Im afraid so, but wait. SHH im on comms with Yelena." She said and pulled her hand towards her ear. I did the same.

Meanwhile with Natasha

Natasha pov

"So, what now? You're gonna fold me into your pathetic little puppeteer act?" I asked as i took a step back. This man was something else. I felt week in front of him, like i couldn't move, couldn't talk or even breathe.

D: "pathetic huh?" Dreykov answered me from his chair.

"Yeah- what would you call it?" I asked, getting closer to him.

D: "i could call it-"

"When was the last time you had a conversation with somebody that wasn't forced to talk to you."

D: "you ran away to fight in the wrong war. The real war was fought here. In the shadows."

"You didn't fight in the shadows. You hid in the dark!"

D: "real power comes from undetectable influence."

"If no one's noticed, then why even do it?" I placed my hands on the table and leaned forward. I was getting to him, and this was good.

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