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Wanda pov

I walked up on the ring and put on the boxing gloves. Maria did the same and we got into our position.

"So wanna say rules or?" I said and look towards Natasha, who was watching us without blinking.

M: "no rules. Do what ever you want, because im doing the same." I quickly looked at Maria, who was grinning at me.

"Okay then. Nat! You'll be our judge. Give us sign. Can you do that, love?" I asked while watching Maria, who looked pissed and i loved that.

N: "o-okay. Yeah i can do that. On count of three. One....." Maria cracked her neck and looked at me up and down. Like she was studying me.

N: "Two........."

"So no rules means that i can use my powers right." I smirked and her eyes widened.

M: "YOU-"

N: "THREE!" Natasha shouted and i ran towards Maria. We started hand to hand combat but this boxing gloves were already getting annoying.

M: "You're not that special, you know?" Maria hissed while i punched her in the stomach.

"Well you're not the one she wants so i guess im up there." I chuckled dryly as she got up and walked towards me.

M: "oh yeah?" She said and with that she swung her hand towards me. I quickly leaned down and punched her on the side. She groaned and i smiled at myself and backed away.

"When was the last time you fought with someone? You're weak." I teased and I think she had enough, because She than ran towards me and punched me in the face. I fell on my side. Maria came closer to me and kicked me in the stomach.

"FUCK!" I groaned and rolled over.

M: "who's the weak one now." She smirked at me and she was about to punch in the face when i quickly took off one glove with my powers and threw her across the ring.

M: "ASSHOLE!" She yelled at me as i got up and walked towards her.

M: "i don't know what she sees in you!" She said and got up.

"You're saying that because you haven't had sex with me." I winked at her and just as i was about to hit her-

N: "YEP THATS ENOUGH! Maria get out! And Maximoff get your ass up in my room." She started walking away.

M: "You know this isn't over, right!"

"Watch your pretty mouth Maria-"

N: "WANDA!" Natasha shouted again and i ran after her.

Natasha pov

What the hell was that. What are they? Kids? Who acts like that! Im so mad at Wanda! What the fuck was she thinking. Was she mad at me and taking her anger out on Maria? Does she not like Maria? Is she jealous?

I was sitting on my bed staring at the door, waiting for Wanda to come in. I was already getting inpatient so i decided to go to her. Just as i opened door, Wanda was standing across it with flowers in her hands.

"What is this?" I asked as she walked inside.

W: "flowers... for earlier- im sorry i acted like that." She said and handed me flowers. Okay that was unexpected.

"Thank you?" I said and she tilted her head. I placed flower on my nightstand because i didn't had vase in my room. Well I'll get that later.
I sat on my bed as Wanda closed the door and walked towards me.

She stood in front of my bed as she had her palms in her jeans pockets. She had this unreadable look on her face. I knew something was bothering her but i didn't knew what it was.

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