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Author's pov

After that fight girls become more comfortable with each other? The seemed better. Well, Wanda wasn't ignoring Nat anymore, but she wasn't talking to her either.

Natasha was bitchy about Wandas coldness but she didn't pushed it too hard. She still had no idea that Wanda was suffering with nightmares and panic attacks, so that was not the best part.

Today team decided to have night off.
Yep... big old Avengers were watching lion king-
What can i say, best Disney movie huh?

Wanda pov

I was sitting in the kitchen alone eating my cereal as usual. It was 7:30 in the morning so it was quiet in the compound.

Natasha was on her early morning run with Steve, i wished Vision was here. He was on the mission with Rhode, so i was pretty much alone.

"God this sucks-" i whispered to myself and continued eating in silence. I was lost in my thoughts. I couldn't even remember last time i slept normally or ate well. Lately I've lost my appetite too and that was not pleasant.

Today i had another nightmare. I have no idea why they came back so suddenly but i guess ill get used to it.

N: "oh MY GOD! Steve just shut the fuck up!" I heard Natashas voice coming towards the kitchen, as it echoed through the hallways of the compound.

S: "Romanoff i swear to god! Watch your mouth!" Is that Steve? I quickly pulled my head up and looked in front of me, as the kitchen door flew open and Natasha fell on her butt.

I stayed quiet with my moutch open as i watch Steve and Natasha fight in front of me.

"What the-"

S: "i was the winner and you KNOW IT!" Steve shouted as he picked Natasha up and walked towards me.

N: "put me down you moron! idi na khuy! Klyanus' bogom, ya ub'yu tebya, malen'koye der'mo! (go fuck yourself! I swear to god I'll kill you little shit!)" Natasha started swearing in russian as i watched them with wide eyes and started laughing.

S: "whats so funny Maximoff?" Steve asked. Before i could answer Natasha started groaning.

N: "Steve, buddy! Put me the fuck down!" Natasha wiggled her body and Steve just laughed at her, but eventually gave up and placed her down on the floor.

N: "thank you!" She said as she slid her hands over her shirt and cleaned it.

"Okay-? What the fuck was that?" I asked with a giggle and Steve gave me a "LANGUAGE" look.

"Oh yeah...sorry." I said and he nodded. Clearly satisfied with my answer.

N: "well Steve and i were running as usual, and i was WINNING! when he pulled me back by my shirt and i fell. Then he yelled "on your left" and he wasn't even ON MY LEFT!" I watched as she got into conversation with whole passion.

She was yelling now and my brain was HURTING so i shushed her with coffee.

"Would you take my coffee and shut the FUCK up! Please." I said annoyedly and she nodded while rolling her eyes.

"What was that?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. She just grinned at me and walked off with her coffee.

S: "anyways!" Steve cleared his voice and clearly got my full attention.

"What is it Steve?" I asked and smiled at him.

S: "well i wanted for you to train again- if thats okay with you! I don't want to pressure you, okay?" He said as he gently touched my shoulder.

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