Wake up

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Natasha pov

"Wanda lay DOWN!" I screamed and then everything went black. When i opened my eyes i looked around and everything was on fire. I looked for Wanda, but my eyes couldn't find her. I got up on my feet and noticed that i had wound on my leg but it wasn't that big of a deal. I NEEDED to find Wanda.

"Wanda!" I screamed, "WANDA!" I called out her name again and again, but nothing, but then i noticed brunette who was lying on the floor.
Wanda! I ran up to her and took her head in my hands.

"Hey Wands... detka open your eyes-"
Tears flowed from my eyes. Wanda was lying on the floor and was unconscious. At that moment I thought she was dead, and in a panic I checked her pulse.

"Thank God." I said a little relieved. I looked over Wanda's body carefully, looking for wounds, and thank God I didn't find any. My leg hurt a lot because it was literally bleeding, but I had to save Wanda first.

I got up and took her in my arms and after about twenty minutes I finally walked out of the building. I gently put Wanda on the ground and tried to wake her up, but nothing worked. I found Jet and i was so happy that it was untouchable. I quickly went up there, treated the wound on my leg, got off the jet, took Wanda in my arms and returned to the jet again. I laid her down slowly and brushed her hair away from her face.

"Wanda, I wish you knew how many things I have to say to you, but I can't tell you." Again i started sobbing. I got up from my knees and sat in the driver's seat, and after two minutes, we took off in the sky. I engaged the autopilot and then tried to contact Tony and Bruce but it didn't work. I gave up on that. I looked back and Wanda was still lying unconscious. I came close to her and put my hand gently on her head.

"Wanda please wake up." But nothing, she did not open his eyes! This mission was a total blast! We couldn't find anything and we almost died.

"Wanda just wake up! Ugh- wh- WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAS TO GO THIS BAD FOR US!" I had no idea the fuck i was talking about but i didn't stopped.

"FIRST you kiss me! then we flirt in the gym! Then i comfort you about your nightmares! Then we saw each other "naked" whilst we were changing....well yeah i knew you were looking in my room- with out KNOCK? and the that toaster guy! GOD- I - I just cant help but fall for you! Love is for weak people. And im.... Im not weak."

"Well i guess im weak then." I heard voice coming from back. My eyes widened. I slowly turned around and saw Wanda who was sitting up from the bed.

"I - how long have you been awake?" I asked nervously and she giggled.

"Well i heard everyth-"

"Im sorry. I- i shouldn't have said those-"

"I feel the same"

"What?" I asked confused. She slowly got up and came closer to me. She cupped my face in her hands and smiled weakly. I smiled back.
"God her eyes"

"You gotta stop that." She said and i raised my eyebrow.

"Stop what?"

"Thinking about me" she said while she giggled.

"No you gotta stop reading my thoughts" i said, acting offended.
She smiled and with that we kissed.
It was most amazing feeling I've ever felt. I pulled her closer to me by her waist, she lowered her hands down to my neck and stopped the kiss.
I looked at her with biggest smile ever. Her cheeks were red and her eyes were literally sparkling.

"What do you think about?" I asked her.

"Something you will be down to do."
She answered with a smirk and then backed away and sat in the passenger seat.

"Wow did she just really-" my thoughts were interrupted with her yawn. I giggled and turned around to drive the jet.

After two hours we arrived to S.H.I.L.D and went straight up to Fury's office.

"You're here! Finally" he said took a step towards his desk and continued tqlking.

"Tell me about the mission Romanoff"

"When we arrived to the building we immediately went inside. We checked both floors and then we founded really big safe. It had Hydras logo on it. Wanda tried opening it with her powers but out of nowhere there was explosion and everything was destroyed. We failed."

There was silence in the room. I looked down at my hands and i just had a rage to do something bed. To act on my intrusive thoughts.

"Okay. Well i didn't expected that to happen for your first mission." Fury said to wanda and she nodded.

"I feel so weak right now. HOW DID WE FAILD.... HOW DID I FAILED. WANDA ALMOST DIED AND WE FAILED THE MISSION. how could i let this happen." I suddenly felt Wandas hand holding mine.

"Relax Tasha. Its okay- its not your fault okay." THE FUCK was happening. I looked around and saw Wanda smiling.

"You can leave now. If i need you two i know where to find you" Fury said with no emotion on his face and sat in his chair. Okay- well that was weird.

We got outside and sad in the jet. We stayed quite the whole time and in thirty minutes we arrived to the compound. When we entered the building i hugged Wanda and she did the same.

"I love you so much Maximoff! I have no idea what i would've done if you died there." I backed away and she had her eyes widened. I tilted my head and then i remembered WHAT I've just said.

" no no no- I MEANT AS A friend"
She rolled her eyes and punched my shoulder.

"Yeah sure Romanoff." She came closer and leaned into a kiss. It was quick but passionate. When she pulled away she smiled at me and walked away.
What was that? I started following her but Steve blocked my way.

"I knew it!" He said excitedly and i rolled my eyes.

"You got the girl Nat!" He said with the biggest smile and i smiled back.

"Yeah i don't know about that yet, but will see." I patted his arm and went up in my room.
I closed the door and went in to my bathroom. I quickly undressed and turned the shower on, i got in and hot water immediately relaxed me. When i finished showering, i got out of the bathroom and quickly got dressed.

"I'm hungry" i said to my self and left my room to get something to eat. When i got to the kitchen, i saw Wanda at the stove. She was cooking something and it smelled delicious. She lifted her head up and noticed me. She slightly smiled and in that moment i knew that i got the girl of my dreams.


I have no idea what that was but its kinda romantic 🤭

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