What now?

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Natasha pov

As i arrived to the compound, i immediately ran up to Wandas room and quickly opened her door. I entered the room, and as i was walking through it, i felt coldness and shivered a little. I closed the door and walked towards her bed, which wasn't made. I chuckled at my self as i sat on the bed. I lifted her pillow and saw my shirt.

"Guess she liked it." I whispered to my self and took the shirt in my hands. It was raining outside and i was alone. Rhode was at the hospital and Vision was also there, for the company. Tony left couple hours ago but didn't told me where he was headed to. I just sat in Wandas room and sobbed. I hated myself. I let her go... it's my fault.

I looked around the room and saw her drawer open. I walked up to it and saw little box. There was a note on top of it that said.
"For Natasha"
I gently picked up the box and opened it and saw little, siren shaped, emerald necklace. I took it out of the box and looked at it closely. I putted it on and walked towards the mirror. necklace was green and it reminded me of her beautiful eyes. I started tearing up but quickly wiped it away.

"I need to get her back." I said to my self and left the room.

One month later

One month have passed since that day and i can't sleep anymore. I always have nightmares about Wanda. The way she was laying on the ground unconscious and i couldn't do anything about it, i just kneeled and sobbed like a child!
In the Red Room i learned that emotions are for weak people, but i couldn't help but miss her. Miss her laughter, her smile, her beautiful eyes and her voice.
I have this rage in my body but can't do anything about it so Im always at the gym, training as hard as i can, but today something changed.

I was working out and suddenly got a unknown call. I picked up the phone and answered it.

"Nat?" I heard familiar voice.

"Who is this?" I asked even tho i knew who was calling.

"Nat its Steve-"

"Oh look who decided to show up!" I yelled at him.

"Nat just listen okay-" he tried to talk but i cut him off.

"No Steve you listen! I don't know what you and Tony fought for, but you didn't had to cut me out from your life!"

"I know okay! And im so, so sorry Nat!" He yelled back. I just shook my head in disbelief.

"What do you want Steve." I asked coldly.

"I need your help."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I let out dry laugh and looked around the gym.

"It's been more than a month and now you're calling for my help-"

"We can get everyone back NATASHA!" He yelled over the phone and i just stood there shocked.
What did he said? We can get them back?

"What did you say?" i asked confused.

"We can get Clint, Scott, Sam and Wanda back." He said excitedly and my heart skipped a beat. I can get her back. I can get Wanda back. But what if his lying?

"Steve don't..." i continued talking.

"Don't what?"

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