You have a SISTER?

505 16 2

Natasha pov

We were coming back from the city and Wanda just couldn't stop singing.


She looked at me and smile widely and i just chuckled.

"What is it? You didn't liked my singing?" Wanda rolled her eyes playful and i just smiled at her.

"God you are such a dork." I said while laughing.

"But you love me!" She said with a smile and i nodded.

"Yeah that's true." I winked at her and she leaned and kissed my cheek.

"Okay so what do you want to do when we get back?" Wanda asked.

"I guess we can sleep. Because it's almost 4am." I said and she groaned.

"Come on! Sleeping is so boring."

"That's why you love it huh?" I mumbled and she playfully punched my shoulder. Couple of minutes later i finally got to the bridge. I was about to make a turn when out of nowhere something exploded. Car turned around and sledded towards the end of the bridge. I groaned in pain and looked over at Wanda and she had her eyes closed.

"Wanda! Wanda baby, you need to wake up okay!" I yelled and she started coughing.

"What happened-" she coughed again. I signed in relief that she was alive and started getting out of the car.

"Hold my hand!" I reached out to her and she did as i asked.

"Who is that?" Wanda asked and i looked behind and saw someone who was coming towards us.

"Im pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here!" I yelled and took my gun out and aimed at who ever that was.

"And you should know I'm a better shot when I'm pissed off." I whispered to myself and started shooting. Soddenly he threw his shield at me but it got stuck through the window of the car.

"I think you pissed him off." Wanda said and got out from the car and i followed her. As we stepped on the ground she formed red wisps in her hands and i kneeled in front of her and slowly started moving forward.

I looked around but that soldier was no way to be seen.

"NAT LOOK OUT!" I heard Wanda scream and looked up. I saw the soldier. He jumped down and Wanda threw her magic at him. I ran towards him and jumped on the soldiers face, wrapped my legs around his head and was about to pin him down but suddenly i fell hard on my back. I quickly jumped and he did the same.

He tilted his head and i did the same.

"Okay that's weird." Wanda said as she got closer. That soldier who was in front of me, turned his head behind and i looked at his direction too. I saw little suitcase. He got up and started moving towards it.

"He's not here for me." I said and ran towards him with a knife but he was quick. He turned around and punched me in the stomach. I fell on the ground and he sat on top of my legs and started punching me.

"Hands off!" I heard Wandas voice as the guy who was on top of me seconds ago, flew across the bridge.

"Are you alright?" She asked and cupped my face.

"Yeah im fine. Get the suitcase!" I yelled and she quickly ran towards it. Out of now that soldier came and started fighting with Wanda. I watched as both of the fought. It was like the fight was planed. He was repeating everything Wanda did.

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