I don't like you that way

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Wanda pov

It's been three weeks since my last nightmare. Ntasha and I have become very close, I try to ignore her thoughts, but they are very loud, I still don't read them tho... well sometimes i guess.

Natasha was sent on a mission 3 days ago by Fury and she still hasn't come back, I'm really worried about her but I don't understand why, maybe it's because of our grate friendship...
I felt empty without her being around and I hope that she is doing grate.
I have a Vision for the company, even tho he's a robot, he's also a very good friend and always finds a way to make me laugh.

I rolled over on the bed to look at the clock, it was already seven in the morning and I was late for training, but who cares.

"well I don't." I thought to my self and I was about to go back to sleep when out of nowhere a Vision came and my spirit left my body for a moment.


"Excuse me, Miss Maximoff, but I wanted to inform you of Miss Romanoff's return." He said and walked back in to a wall.

Hearing Natasha's name, my heart stopped beating, my eyes widened and a huge smile appeared on my face. I threw off the blanket, jumped out of bed and ran out of the room as fast as I could. On my way to the exit, Steve bumped into me.

"Whoa! Woah! Slow down a little Maximoff!"He grabbed my shoulders and chuckled a little.

"where are you going?"

"Natasha! Natasha arrived Steve!" I answered with a smile and he looked at me with a confused look.

"you and natasha-?" He made a long pause and I quickly understood what he was going to say. My cheeks instantly turned red.

"Steve, we- i" He removed his hands from my shoulders and laughed.

"Just kidding, Wanda, relax a little.
I think you were in a hurry somewhere." He smirked at me and continued on his way. I rolled my eyes and went on my way. When I opened the exit door, a black motorcycle entered the compound yard, drifted and stopped right in front of me.

My heart started beating fast and I was very happy to see her. She took off her helmet, shook her hair and looked at me,

"oh wow" I thought.

"Maximoff, miss me?" Natasha asked with a wink and smiled at me.


"Then why did you come first to see me?"

"I thought it was a pizza delivery guy"
I laughed and leaned her in to a hug.

I didn't thought you had thing for a pizza man." Natasha laughed and I punched her on the shoulder.

OK, I'm just messing with you. where are the others?"

"I have no idea." I said looking around. She got off the motorcycle, grabbed my hand and dragged me into the building.

"where are you taking me?"

"In my room."


" Can't you just come?"

Natasha dragged me to her room and sat me down on the bed and she ran into the bathroom.

"Oh come on!"

"I will be out in a minute! don't go"

"Wait for me and I will return soon."


"Sorry!" I shouted at her and left her room. I was going to the kitchen because I was very hungry, I looked down and saw that I was still wearing pajamas, I made a depressing sound and went back to my room. When I got inside, my eyes met Vision who was sitting on my bed.

"Miss Maximoff!"

"I told you many times to call me Wanda." I slowly approached him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to tell you something."

"Um okay?" He put his hand on the bed and motioned me to sit there. I did so. I felt a little uncomfortable but still I didn't say anything about it.

"I've been wanting to say something to you for more than a month now."
He put his hand on my thigh and now I felt really uncomfortable.


"Please let me finish...Wanda, you are an extraordinary person. When I was born you were the first person that I notice. I didn't knew anything about feelings until I started hanging out with you. I like your smile, your eyes, everything about you and I think I love you."

My eyes widened and my breathing became heavy. And before I could say anything he kissed me. I quickly stopped the kiss and jumped out of bed.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Please get out of here." Tears flowed from my eyes. For some reason I could not control my emotions.

"I don't like you that way Vision. I- I think It's better for you to leave, like NOW!" I said loudly, Vision got up from my bed and walked out the door. I sat on the bed shocked. My head was on the verge of exploding. Out of nowhere, my door opened and Natasha rushed in.

"why didn't you waited-" stared at me angrily but her expression changed quickly when she saw me.

"are you okay?"

"Vision- he" i chocked on my words and Natasha came closer to me.

"What did he do?"

"He said that he-he liked me and kissed me i-" i looked at her and she quickly got up.

"Nat- Nat where are you going!"

"To kill that toaster guy" she was about to leave the room when i closed the door with my magic.

"Don't leave me, please" i said and she sighed and took her hand of the door handle. She slowly turned around and started walking towards me. She approached my bed and sat beside me.

" god she's so pretty" i heard Natashas thoughts.

"God i will kill that android thing when i get out of here. What the fuck was he thinking about! He almost ruined everything" Natasha thought as she looked at me in the eyes.



"Can you stay here with me today... i just need your company, thats all" she nodded and hugged me. We stayed like this for five minutes and then she broke the silence.

"We should probably lay down, because im really sleepy" she yawned and i chuckled.

"As you wish ma'am" i answer and she snuggled up in to bed. I laid my head on her chest and her breathing hitched.

"Relax Romanoff, i don't bite" she smiled at my comment and slowly closed her eyes. I just stared at her for what it felt like hours.

"God she's perfect" i thought to myself and fell into a deep sleep.


Idk how i feel about this but yeah...

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