The plan

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Wanda pov

I opened my eyes and felt someones breath against my neck. I quickly sat up and looked around and the person who was sleeping next to me sat up too.

"Hey baby! Its okay, it's okay... it's me Natasha!" She said as she tried calming me down.

"Natasha-?" I said as tears formed in my eyes. I sobbed uncontrollably.

"It's okay Wands. Im here with you. And I'll never letting you go again."

"Natasha- i" i started talking, but my emotions got the best of me. I started crying and i just couldn't stop. I thought this was a dream and i was afraid that it would come to an end.

"Wanda i missed you so much" she gave me a weak smile and cupped my face, i flinched at her movement and her smile dropped.

"What is it?- did i- did i do something wrong?" She started panicking and i just shook my head as tears dripped down my cheeks.

"No- no its not you, i - i just..." i couldn't talk, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and backed away. i took a deep breath and started talking.

"It's nothing Nat... I'm - im just happy that you're here, thats all."
I gave her a weak smile and she did the same.

"Can i hug you?" She asked and i nodded. She leaned forward and closed the gap between us. I immediately relaxed when i felt her warm body against mine. I hugged her back and she sighed.

"You're safe moya lyubov, I'm here and i will never let you go. Never." Natasha said and i hugged her tighter.

After some time i pulled away and cupped her face.

"I missed you so much Tasha." And with that i pulled her in for a kiss. She gave in immediately. The kiss was loving and miraculous, I haven't experienced such a feeling in a long time. I missed that, I missed Natasha. I missed her voice, her smile, her ocean blue eyes that looked at me with so much love.

We pulled away from each other due to lack of air and Natasha had the biggest smile on her face. I smiled too. We looked at each other for a long time before she broke the silence.

"I need to tell you something." She said and i nodded. She grabbed my hand and sighed.

" The months I spent without you were terrible. It was an unending nightmare, loneliness and sadness. At the airport that day, I allowed Ross to arrest you and take you away. I was powerless in front of him and could not protect you and I want to tell you that this will never happen again. Wanda, I love you so, so much! During the days that I spent without you, I realized that I could not live without you. Please forgive me Wanda, I could not protect you. God knows what they did to y-."

I putted my index finger on her lips and shushed her.

"Natasha, please don't blame yourself for all this. It was my decision... Although I didn't know what was waiting for me in that raft, but after the incident in Lagos, I think I deserved it. I missed you so much Natasha. I felt the exact same way. Loneliness, sadness and an endless nightmare. Even now I think it's all a dream and I'm afraid to wake up."

"It's not detka. You're here, With me." She said with a smile.

"God i love you so much Romanoff!" I said with the biggest smile ever and kissed her again. She chuckled and deepened the kiss. We were interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Romanoff?" I heard deep voice.

"Steve!" I said excited and Natasha giggled.

"You can come in." She answered and he opened the door. When he entered the room he saw me and smiled weakly.

"Are you falling in love with my girl?" I heard Natasha say and he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt you love birds but... we have to run" he said with a smile, like it was nothing and turned around.

"Both of you be down in five minutes." He said and closed the door.

"What was that about?" I asked Natasha and she just looked at me with a smile. Even tho room was dark, I could still see her beautiful eyes thanks to the moonlight.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing. Im just happy that i got you back." She said with a smile.

"Im happy too." I answered and she hugged me one more time.

"Okay now we need to get ready." Natasha said and got up.

" for what?" I asked curiously

" It was good to save you and others... but it was illegal. So we have to run away from the US government or we all have to be caught..." Natasha answered with a smile and I got up immediately. She chuckled at my action and started walking towards the door. I quickly got dressed and followed her.

"So how am i cleaned?" I asked and Natasha looked at me.

"Um- You took a shower?" Natasha answered with a giggle and i looked at her confused.

"You don't remember?" She asked curiously and i shook my head.

"What is the last thing you remember?" She asked as we walked towards Steve.

"I remember being in the lab. The attached me to the chair and thats it..." i answered and she stopped walking.

"You don't remember me saving you?" She asked and turned to look at me.

"No-" i answered.

"Okay? That's weird. Maybe it's all because you've run out of energy. Because when i picked you up from the chair, you said my name and fainted right away... But you opened your eyes in the jet, and took a shower when we arrived here." She said confused and i just shook my head.

"Yeah- maybe that was it." I said with a smile and continued walking towards Steve. There i saw Scott, Sam and Clint.

"So since we're all here, I want to share my plan with you." Steve started talking.

"Clint and Scott, you both have families, so you can't run away."

"So what are you asking us to do? Go live in the raft again?" Clint asked sarcastically and Steve rolled his eyes.

" You two will make a deal with Ross where you turn yourself in and get house arrest because running away is too harsh decision on your families."

"Do you think he will accept our offer?" Clint asked.

"Yes because i already made a deal with him with your names." Steve said and Clint gave him weak smile.

"Thanks Cap.with your help i can see my little girl again." Scott said with the biggest smile and Steve patted his shoulder.

"No thank you Lang, for being there for us." Steve smiled at him and Scott did the same.

"Sam and I decided to go east. And then we will continue on our way separately, because it will be dangerous for both of us to be together." Steve said and Sam nodded.

"Natasha, you told me that you had a plan. where are you going to go?" Steve asked and i looked at her.

"Wanda and I will go together because I'm not going to let her go from now on. And the whereabouts will remain a secret." Natasha said with a wink and looked at me.

"If you are not sure about this, I will not force you to come with me." She whispered to me and i just gave her a smile.

"Im sure about this, Tasha. But the main thing is to be it with you dear." I whispered back and she cracked a smile and held my hand.

I guess we're going on a run... but where are we actually going?


Im so sorry for the late update. There for, I will add one more chapter really soon!!!

And the next chapter "black widow" starts!

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