Figure it out

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Natasha pov

I was about to walk up to her when Clint dragged me out of the room.
I stayed silent and waited for him to stop. And finally after five minutes of walking he stopped.

"Any explanation buddy?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"What's up with you and Maximoff?"
He asked in a serious tone and i nervously chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"Well months ago you couldn't stand her and now you are next to her 24/7? Like am i missing something."
He asked with mad expression on his face.

"Clint there's nothing going on between me and Wands"

"Oh now you call her that?" He said in sarcastic way and to be honest this whole conversation was getting really annoying. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I l- i like her OKAY!" I said and he smiled.

"Oh so big black widow has a heart. I didn't knew about that" he said and playfully punched my shoulder. I slightly smiled at him and turned around to leave but i stopped.


"Yeah?" He asked confused.

"I think im falling for her" and with that i walked away. When i entered the kitchen wanda had already served the plates to everyone and she waved at me to come closer. I approached her and gave her a wide smile and she smiled back.

"What did you made?"

"Paprikash" she answered proudly.

"Where should i sit?"

"Right there, next to Steve." She pointed her finger at the seat.

"Okay then" i answered and got closer to Steve. And after like two minutes Tony entered the room.

"Where's Peter?"

"He wanted to stay at his aunts place." He said and approached the table. Whole time while we ate, room was silent until Steve broke it.

"So how was the mission?" I almost chocked on my food.

"Calm down Romanoff" Tony said and Steve laughed. I looked at wanda and she was smiling at me, her smile was just something else.

"Well-" i cleared my throat and continued. "The mission failed. We almost died..... well Wanda almost died." Everyone looked at Wanda and she looked so confused.


"You almost died?!" Clint asked and she got what we were talking about.

"Well I'm still pretty much alive, aren't i?" She said with a sarcastic tone and Clint rolled his eyes.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

"Well we founded some kind of safe and Wanda was opening it, and out of nowhere BOOM!" I screamed made everyone jump out of there chairs.
I laughed so hard i almost fell.

"Very mature of you Romanoff."
I heard Bruce say.

"Oh shut up Banner" i said playfully and continued with my story.

"After explosion i opened my eyes and couldn't find Wanda anywhere... so i started looking for her. When i founded her she was unconscious and that kinda scared me." When i said that Clint smiled evilly at me and i rolled my eyes.

"I lifted her up and took her to the jet."

"That's it?" Steve asked with a smirk and i looked at him with a death glare.

"Woah? WOAH! Did i missed something?" Tony asked and i shook my head in denial. I looked at Wanda who was smiling at me. I couldn't helped my self and i smiled back.

"You guys had SEX!" Tony said and jumped out of his seat.

"What no-" Wanda said as she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Hell yeah you did" Tony said with proud look on his face.

"Tony sit down" i hissed and he did.

"We didn't slept together okay. Nothing happened-" Wanda started.

"Yet" i cut her words and she glared at me.

"Just kidding Maximoff! Relax a little" i said with a wink and she rolled her eyes.

"Can we just eat this food in silence?" Steve said with disgusted look on his face.

"As you wish grandpa" i said with a smile and he rolled his eyes.


I was sitting in my room. It was three am and out of nowhere my door flew open.

"Seriously Tasha?" I heard sokovian accent and knew i was doomed.
She came closer to me and crossed her arms.

"Did i do something?" Okay i maybe did something but i have no idea what i did.

"Okay you did nothing... im just mad at Tonys comment."

"So you don't like me" i acted offended and she smiled.

"What did you meant by "yet"?" She asked and i knew where this was going.

"You don't want anything to happen between us?" I asked.

"Well i-" she got nervous and i stood up.

"Should i do it? Like should i shoot my shot at her? Like she feels the same right... so whats the problem." I thought to myself and got closer to her. She looked at me so innocently. God that green eyes of her.



"What are we? I mean we kissed twice and we li-" i cut her off by kissing her and she kissed me back. I cupped her face with my hands to deepen the kiss. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me towards her. I stopped the kiss and she groaned.

"Does this answers your question?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yes it does" she said with a smile and hugged me.
Theres a thing..... i hate physical touch. But with her.... I feel so safe when she's hugging me, it's like i know that she'll never hurt me.
My thoughts were interrupted by the knock on the door.

"Its three am! Who is it" i yelled annoyingly. Wanda giggled and let go of my waist. I instantly felt coldness.

"Romanoff it's me Clint. Can we talk?"

"Is it important?"


"Okay give me a minute and ill meet you at the living room."

"Fine" he said in annoyed tone and i heard him leave. Footsteps faded away and i turned to Wanda.

"Today at seven pm we're going out."

"As a date?" She said with a smirk and i kinda blushed.

"Yes detka and you can wear something comfortable. Trust me" i winked and she smiled. I walked towards the door and opened it. Before i left i looked at her.

"You can stay here if you want." And with that i left the room. I was in the elevator because im to lazy for the stairs, and when the door opened i saw Clint.

"What did you wanted to talk about? Its better be good" i said as i stepped out of the elevator.

"Nat... its Maria" my eyes widened and my heart started beating fast.

"What did y-you say?"

"She's -"

"Don't!" I had a bad history with Maria and i definitely didn't wanted to see her. Like at ALL!

"But Nat-"

"Did she tell you what she wanted?"


"Then figure it out!" I yelled. "Im sorry i didn't mean it"

"Nat just look." He pointed his finger to the couch and when i looked there my eyes widened.

"Hey beautiful"



Yeah i dont know where this is going but yeah...

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