Im scared

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Wanda pov

"NATASHA!" I screamed as she fell on her knees, holding her wound. I quickly took guards down and ran towards her. She was laying on her back and groaning from pain. Tears formed in my eyes as i pulled her in mu arms.

"Please don't leave me-" i sobbed as i put a pressure on her wound.

N: "Wanda im scared-" she closed her eyes shut and started breathing faster.

"No! Na- Natasha i- i need you to list-li- listen ok-ay." I sobbed uncontrollably as i formed shield around us with my powers.

N: "God even now when everything is falling apart- you still manage to look beautiful-" she coughed and i smiled weakly as i started crying.

"Na- Natasha i-"

N: "shhhh- please let me-" she coughed again and tears formed in her eyes as i connected our lips. This cant be a goodbye kiss. Im not ready to lose her. I pulled away and she was smiling. I held her hand tight and she did the same.

N: "Wanda- i love you so, so much! I- i need you t-to stay s-strong for me-" and with that her grip on my hand got weaker.

"No! No i- NATASHA! HELP- so-somebody PLEASE HELP-! NATASHA"

"NATASHA!" I sat straight on my bed as my breathing got heavier. I looked around and bed was empty. I was sweating as tears were streaming down my face. Suddenly door flew open and Natasha came running towards me.

N: "Wanda w-whats wrong!" She said worriedly as she pulled me into a hug. I immediately broke into tears and started crying like a child as i pulled her closer to me.

N: "i need you to calm down okay! Im here, with you, please stay strong for me okay." That last line made my heart ache.

"I-" i couldn't speak. My breathing was getting out of control as i sobbed non stop.

N: "Wands. I need you to focus on my breathing okay! Can you do that for me?" She asked and pulled away but still had her palms on my shoulders. I nodded and she started breathing.

N: "okay breath in........ breathe out. Repeat after me okay. Breathe in........ breathe out-" i did as she asked and i kinda felt relieved.

N: "okay you're doing great Wands. Do that again okay and im gonna go get you a glass of water." She stood up and i quickly wrapped my palm around her arm tightly.

"No! Please Na- Natasha don't go! Please don't leave me-" i started panicking again and she quickly sat down.

N: "okay im here! Im with you okay, im not gonna leave-"

"You pr-promise?"

N: "i do love. You're stuck with me forever! whether you like it or not." She said with a smile and i smiled back. She laid next to me and wrapped her hands around my waist as she leaned closer and gave me a quick kiss. I buried my face in her as i hugged her tight.

"I love you so much-" i said and she chuckled.

N: "i love you more." She said and kissed top of my head.

"Why were you up?"

N: "well if we wont count time-" she paused and i looked up and saw light coming from the other room.

"What time is it?"

N: "its 2pm detka and you overslept" she said with a smile and i smiled back.

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