Sokovia accords

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No ones pov

After some time Avengers finally got to the compound. They landed jet on the ground and cape out of it. Wanda immediately ran towards the building and Natasha followed her.

"Wanda wait!" Natasha shouted but she couldn't reach out to her. Natasha eventually stopped and Steve approached her.

"Give her some time Nat."

"But Steve she can't handle that alone-" Natashas words were cut of by Steve

"I know." He sighed. "You will comfort her but not now."

Natasha nodded and started walking towards the compound and others followed her.


Natasha pov

"She did WHAT!" Tony shouted.

"It wasn't her FOULT! She was saving me from the explosion Tony..." Steve answered as he lowered his gaze.

"Than take a responsibility for it Rogers!" Tony said and Steve rolled his eyes.

I couldn't handle there fight anymore so i left. I got upstairs and started walking towards my room. Before i could get there i had to walk past Wandas room. When i got close to her door i heard her crying.
I slightly opened her door and looked inside. She was sitting on her bed, watching TV.

*what legal authority does an enhanced individual, like Wanda Maxomoff have. To operate in Nigeria-* i turned the TV off and Wanda slowly looked at me with teary eyes.

"It's my fault Nat"

"It's not true-"

"Turn the TV back on, they're being very specific" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"You were just trying to save Steve. And you just couldn't control your powers" i slowly started walking towards her.

"Rumlow mentioned Bucky to him and he got carried on and didn't noticed the bomb Rumlow was wearing. People died because of Rumlow not because of you-"

"People died Nat- and i- i could've saved them but i just-" she stopped as tears fell down her face.

"Hey hey- its not your fault love." I cupped her face and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. "This job..." i took a long pause and continued.
"We try to save as many people as we can. Sometimes that doesn't mean everybody" i said with a weak smile.
"But if we can't find a way to live with that, then next time maybe nobody gets saved" i finished and she looked at me with sad expression on her face. Out of nowhere Vision came through the wall and my soul almost left my body.

"VISION NOCK!" I screamed as i held my hand up to my heart.

"Im sorry Ms Romanoff." He said and i rolled my eyes.

"Did you needed anything?" Wanda asked.

"Umm- Mr Stark has a visitor and he's waiting in the meeting room."
I looked at Wanda and she was already looking at me.

"Do you know who the visitor is?" I asked and he nodded. "Who is it?"

"The Secretary of States" Vision answered and left the room.

Wanda pov

Vision left and i turned my heat towards Natasha.

"Im scared" j said worriedly and she looked at me with a slight smile.

"Don't be detak. Im here and i promise i will not lets go of you."
Natasha said and my heart melted.

"Now lets go. I don't want Stark to get mad" and with that she hold my hand. When we went to the meeting room, everyone was looking at us.

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