I tried OKAY

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Okay so... i did smth in this chapter... you will definitely love it BUT just prepare yourselves!
Ps i wrote this on 6am... DONT ASK-

Natasha pov

"Wanda?" I asked as i looked at her bed and saw that she was still asleep. I thought i was tired and i was having hallucination so i walked back towards the door.

W: "Nat!" She said. Louder this time.
I quickly turned around and she was whimpering and moving around. I ran towards her and placed my palms gently on her shoulders.

W: "don't leave me!" She screamed as i tried waking her up.

"Wanda wake up! Im here, im with you- please baby wake up!" I said as i shook her body.

W: "STAY!" Was the last thing she shouted as she stood up straight on the bed and looked around with terrified expression.

"Wanda, are you oka-"

W: "what are you doing in here." She asked coldly as she backed away.

"You- you um... fell asleep and i didn't wanted to wake you up so i picked you up and tucked you in the bed..." i said as i looked down with guilt.

W: "tha-nks... you can leave now." She said and i looked up at her. She had tears in her eyes and sweat all over her face. She looked scared.

"Im sorry." I said and her gaze fell on me. She looked sad? Annoyed? Mad?
I couldn't tell how she was feeling anymore and it was making me feel bad about myself.


W: "what-?"

"Was it about me?" I asked and she looked down.

W: "N-no it wasn't..." thats a lie.

"Don't lie in situations like that Maximoff. Please don't lie to me."

W: "you sure you wanna hear about the nightmares I've been seeing for past two years?" She asked. Now clearly annoyed but i wanted to know.
I needed to know, if it was my fault or not.

W: "Well... it started with, you leaving me." She said as she crossed her arms. Still looking down.

W: "in every d-ream, y-you're leaving me, over and over and over and ove-"

"Okay i get it!" I shouted. I quickly covered up my mouth with my palms as she looked at me with widened eyes.

"Im sorry-"

W: "i don't want your stupid, meaningless apologies Natasha!
get out." She said with no emotion whatsoever.


W: "get out Natalia! You cant just ask me something about myself and then when i try to open up about it with you, you cant just yell at me!"


W: "no let me FINISH! Do not disturb me!" She said and i went all silent.

W: "yes! You were the reason and still are the reason why I'm having nightmares and almost every day! You are the reason of my anger! Sadness! Care! And love! I don't know what i want anymore! I hate you so MUCH! You can't even understand my emotions right now!" She started talking really fast and i noticed how her breathing got heavier and how her magic started to surround her body.

W: "you LEFT! For God sake! You left Natasha! I- i was devastated. I couldn't do anything without you! I hate you! I hate the fact that i still care about you! I hate the fact that i still have feeli-" before she could finish her sentence, i crushed my lips against hers. She fought for a second but then gave in as her tears streamed down her face, which was mixing with mine.

She placed her hand on my neck as she pulled me even closer. I bit her bottom lip as she moaned and opened her mouth for me to have control over the kiss. I gently placed my hands on her hips and moved her forward and she sat on my lap.

After seconds we pulled away for lack of oxygen and i just stared at her puffy eyes, before i pulled her in for a hug.

"Im so sorry! I so sorry! Wanda you have no idea how much i regret my stupid decision every single day! I- i dont know what i was thinking! I loved you so much and i was ready to let you go but that wasn't what we both wanted. Im so sorry Wands! I do mean my apologies. Because i feel sorry for everything i did to you." I sobbed in her arms as she did the same.

"I even signed up for S.H.I.E.L.D mission to be away from you! I was so scared that we might have never been able to see each other ever again and that was heartbreaking. Im so sorry for leaving you. Please give me another chance Wanda! Please- I'll be good. I swear! i love you so much" i sobbed uncontrollably as she hugged me even tighter.

W: "i love you too." Wanda said and i broke the hug immediately.

"Y-you what?" I asked with shaky voice.

W: "i love you too Natasha. I do love you. And i want to be with you again, more thank anything. But i can't get too attached Nat. Im scared that you'll hurt me again." She breathed out and looked down at me with teary eyes.

"I won't! I won't hurt you ever again love! I swear! I- i want to be with you Wanda. I can't leave without you!" With that she cupped my face and kissed me passionately.

"God i missed this so much-" i groaned as her hands started to go up on my body.

W: "then do something about it." She said with her thick accent and that was enough for me to make a move again.

I pulled her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I turned around and threw her on the bed as i got on top of her. I started leaving wet kisses all over her neck as she breathed softly.

"Are you sure you want this? Because if i start, i wont be able to stop myself." I said as i continued kissing her soft skin as she moaned in silence.

W: "y-yes im s-ure." She said with difficulty as she backed away, until her back touched her beds headboard. I crawled towards her and slid my hand down to her leg up to her neck. Wanda kissed me hungrily and she was about to snap her fingers when i quickly took her hands and placed them above her head.

"No magic sweetheart. Tonight is all about you." I said as i kissed her again.

W: "just hurry u-" her sentence was interrupted with a moan that came out of her mouth, as i squeezed her breast. I chuckled dryly and stopped kissing her.

"Have i ever told you how beautiful you are?"

W: "thats so sweet! Now fuck me or I'll do it myself." She said sarcastically and that was enough teasing for me too. I leaned closer and started taking off her shirt.


ANYWAYS... how are y'all feeling......


AND yeah infinity war is closer than you think...


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