Agent Hill

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Natasha pov

I woke up early today. I slept amazingly well and i gotta admit that this was the best sleep I've had in a while. It was 5:30am and i had training with Wanda on 6am so i needed to get ready.

I turned to my right and when i came across the face of sleeping Wanda next to me, i smiled widely. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. She had some hair fallen on her face, which i slowly pulled behind her ear as i watched her carefully.

W: "you know- staring is creepy." She said in her thick accent which made my heart stop.

"No its not-"

W: "what? you're admiring me?" She teased as she lifted her hand up to my neck and leaned in for a kiss. She bit my bottom lip and i gasped when she slid her tongue inside my mouth and fought for control.

She crawled on top of me and sat on my stomach without braking the kiss. My hands traveled up from her thighs to her hips and i pulled away from the kiss when i noticed that she was still naked.

"You're naked-" that sounded like 12 year old boy who just lost his verginity with hottest women alive. She flipped her hair on her left shoulder as she chuckled dryly.

W: "you're blushing!" She smiled and leaned down, kissing my nose softly.

W: "Romanoff, we finished sex like two hours ago, of course im naked." She started laughing and i covered my eyes with my elbow as her giggles filled the room.

I had enough of teasing and quickly flipped her on her back as i placed myself on top of her. She bit her bottom lip and smiled as she looked at me up and down.

W: "you've trained harder i see?" She pulled herself up on her elbows and with one hand she started tracing my abs and scars that were on my stomach.

W: "and how do you always get dressed that fast after sex, while im sleeping like dead person?" She asked seriously and i chuckled.

"You got You're magic secrets." I leaned closer and started kissing her neck as she lost her balance and falls on the bed again.

"Ive got mine." I whispered and she hummed. Before i could continue i heard a knock on the door and quickly sat up.

"WHAT!" I shouted and wanda quickly pushed me off of her and covered my mouth.

W: "this is my room! Dumbass!" She hissed at me and my eyes widened.

S: "Romanoff?" I heard Steves voice and wanda glared at me with red eyes.

W: "this is your problem now!" She said with a devilish smile. I closed my eyes as she carefully rolled over from the bed and ran towards her bathroom. As she closed the door, I let out the breath i didn't even knew i was holding. I sat up and walked towards her rooms entrance and slowly opened the door.

"What's up Steve-" WHATS UP-!? Oh my LORD! Can this day get any awkward!

S: "what are you doing in Maximoffs room?" He asks as he tried to peak through the door which i blocked with closing the door at his face.

S: "ROMANOFF MY NOSE!" He groaned and i started laughing.

"Im taking her to train with me Steve! So im waiting for her to get ready-" i shouted back.

S: "fine! Just be NICE NEXT TIME!" He said before leaving. With that i slammed my self on Wandas bed and let out loud groan. I looked over to the clock and it was 5:53.

"Wanda come on! We have to train!" With that bathroom door opened and she walked out with wet hair and towel around her body. She walked passed me like i wasnt even there and opened her closet door. She dropped her towel while she hummed some song melody.

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