Time flew by

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Time skip
(5 years)

Natasha pov

"I love you so much...i don't know how i lived five years without you. I miss you so much-" i sobbed as i kneeled down at her grave as i held my chest from the pain.

I never gave up on getting her back but after years, i knew she wasn't coming back. Wanda was gone so was the part of me she loved so much.

Year after bleep, i chose beautiful place to built her grave. Pretty forest and little lake near by. Flowers everywhere in the sight, and theres her grave that i made.

This place gave me peace and it somehow reminded me of her. Her beautiful smile and that green eyes of her. It's quiet here... i know she would've loved this place.

I looked up at her grave and let out little chuckle as i slid my hand across the grave stone. Tears fell down from my face as i shut my eyes closed.

"Im so sorry..."i whispered as i leaned forward and touched the cold stone with my forehead.

"Im so sorry that i couldn't protect you from this. I was weak... i promised you that i would stay strong for you but i guess heartbreak doesn't heal that fast huh-" i smiled weakly as my emotions took over me.

"Why is it when the story ends we begin to feel all of it. Its like we were meant to be, you know? Just the way you said it. Just you and me...Together against the world... but i guess world was against us." I sighed and stood up. As i turned around to leave, i glanced at the grave one more time and with that i left.


S: "we will get everyone back Nat. Maybe not today but we wil-"

"Steve please don't. Don't do this over and over again."

S: "do what?" He asked as he held my hand softly.

"Give me hope...i can't do it. Please." He nodded and kissed my forehead and gently rubbed my palms with his thumbs.

S: "then we need to get a life." He said sarcastically Which made me laugh.

"You first buddy...you first." He smiled weakly at me as he snatched sandwich from me and ate it. I rolled my eyes and stood up as i walked towards camera monitors.

i saw someone jumping up and down whilst throwing their hands up and down. I turned volume up and as i heard his voice i gasped.

-"oh HI- HI!? Uh is anyone home? This is ah- Scott Lang. We met a few years ago at the airport in Germany" i almost ran towards the screen as i looked at him with wide eyes. How is he here? Didn't he got dusted away-

S: "is this the old message?" Steve asked.

"Its the front gate." I said and with that i opened the door.


S.L: "so what im trying to say it that time line works differently in the quantum realm. The only problem is that right now we don't have the way to navigate. But what if we did-" Scott talked none stop as he ate my sandwich and walked around the room whilst trying to make a point. Me and Steve changed "what the fuck" glares as Scott explained everything to us.

S.L: "i can't stop thinking about it. What if somehow we could control the chaos...and we could navigate it! What if there was a way we could enter quantum realm at a certain point in a time but then exit the quantum room at another point in time...like-" He then stopped and sighed as he tried to get to our brain but before he could it clicked.

"Like Time Machine-" i said and he clapped his hands.

S.L: "BINGO! I knew i liked you!" He said excitedly as Steve shook his head while chuckling.

S: "this is crazy- Time Machine? Wha- this is just crazy-" Steve started but i cut him off

"Steve we get emails from raccoon...so nothing sounds crazy anymore." I said and Steve nodded as Scott continued talking.

S.L "so who do we talk about this?"

"I guess we can talk to Bruce or Tony..." i took a long pause and sighed.

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked and he nodded as he looked at me with hope in his eyes.

S.L "im sure."


Talking to Tony was stupid as always. Of course he had to punch everyones hopes away. I might sound selfish but i don't care that he doesn't want to screw his "second chance" up but what about others? When we can try time travel and we MIGHT be able to bring everyone back, he stands back because he already got his happy ending back?

I am selfish. I am... but i don't want to live like this. Feel lonely or desperate. Ive never felt this weak in my whole god damn life. When there are people who are still happy while im suffering from loss, we are suffering from loss. This is just not fair.

And now here i am looking at Bruce while he's taking pictures with his fans, while Steve and i change judgmental looks.

"So can you help us or not Bruce?" I said as he sighed.

B: "the whole time travel do-over? Eh, guys, it's outside of my area of expertise."

"Bruce please just-" i sighed and looked down at my hands, struggling to find words.

S: "i know you can do it. I believe in you Bruce." Steve cut in with his big old Captain America speeches. I nodded and with that Bruce stood up.

B: "so, i guess, we're doing this." He said and with that he walked out of the cafe as we followed him.

Author's pov

Time travel worked...Bruce did it. With everyones help...even Tony came to rescue. He found out that time travel was possible and he knew he had to give it a shot. With two big brains working on the project, they made Scotts body traveled through time and everyone was left speechless. I gotta admit, i was stunned too. But you should've felt what Natasha did after that successful attempt of time travel. Her heart started beating faster, than ever. She felt something strong and she knew she was going to embrace her lover into her arms once again. And she would never let her go.


Hi evERyBodY..........

Yk almost 7 days since last chapter and imma say smth...

I got stabbed by some dude in the streets- WTF RIGHT...
He was like "give me your bag" and i was like "get lost dude" and then he stabbed me with a FORK-!? And like i bleed to death but after 6 days i time traveled to write new chapter and now im bleeding again-

Ps- sorry for late update.....

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