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Natasha pov

"I know you're out there." I heard voice coming out of the apartment.

"I know you know im out here." I said and pulled my gun out of back pocket. I turned and looked at Wanda.

"Is that-" she mouthed.

"Yes. That's her. I need you to stay here okay." I asked.

"No Nat-"

"Wanda she doesn't know you and that is kinda bad."

"Nat please." She begged and i just shook my head.

"Listen if we start fighting don't step in okay."

"Are you insane?" She
yelled-whispered at me and i just rolled my eyes.

"Stay!" I hissed and she nodded. I opened the door and walked in. I pointed my gun in front of me and started looking around slowly.

"Who was that outside?" I heard Yelenas voice.

"No one."

"Than why are you saying it like its not "no one" huh?" She mimicked my voice.

"Cause i don't know if i can trust you." I whispered and heard her dry laughter.

"Funny! I was going to say the same thing." She said and i felt like i was getting closer to her. I looked to my left and it was clear. Then my right and saw an open door.

"So we gonna talk like grown-ups?" I asked sarcastically and quickly stepped through the door and saw her. She had her gun pointed at me.

"Is that what we are now?" She asked and I started walking towards her. Slowly.

"Put it down, before i make you." She said.

"You put yours down." I said and she slowly backed away and almost tripped over the floor.

"Watch your step." I said with a grin.

"Haha" she rolled her eyes. We were so close to each other. I was about to lower my gun but she took it away and i did the same with hers.

"Really?" I asked and she just shrugged her shoulders and punched me. I kicked her in the sumach and she fell, then quickly got up and took my arm. She turned me around and pinned me over the wall.

She softened her hands and i took my time and started choking her. I moved her body over the counters.

"Stay down! STAY DOWN!" I hissed at her and suddenly she started screaming like a psychopath, and then i felt how plate dot smacked on my head.

I almost lost my balance and she jumped down from the counter and started hitting me with a towel.
She threw it again and I caught it and wrapped around her neck.

She than laid on the ground and pushed me of her with her legs. I landed hard on the floor, but got up quickly. Yelena screamed and ran towards me and pinned me against the wall. AGAIN.

I got hold of the curtains that was hanging on the window. I pulled them down and wrapped it around Yelena. She fell on the ground and somehow managed to wrap the curtain on my neck. We were choking each other and her face got red. I got scared and yelled at her.

"Call it EVEN!" I hissed and she let go of the curtain and I gasped for air. She did the same. I laud my head on the ground and turned right to get a good look at her.

"You've grown." I said.

"No shit." She hissed and got up. I did the same. I walked towards the entrance of the apartment and opened the door for Wanda, who was sitting on the ground.

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