Oh come on!

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Natasha pov

Its been a week since that nightmare of hers. After that morning shes been very peaceful, like she knows that we will be okay and i believe in that too.

It was 12pm, Wanda was in the kitchen, she was cooking dinner and I was in the TV area, watching news. And of course it was about all of us who were on the run.

"Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff and Sam Wilson AKA Captain America, Black WidoW, Scarlet Witch and The Falcon still are running away from the UN. Secretary Ross informed us that he will find them no matter what and they will be under arrest in no ti-"

The woman was about to finish her line when Wanda turned the TV off.

"Come on babe! I was watching it"
I wined and she just rolled her eyes as she placed mac and cheese on the plates.

W: "watching what exactly? How they think that we are wrong? Oh and how they say that The Red Rooms fall was our fault-"

"Well it was indeed our fault-"

W: "who's side are you on Romanoff!" She rolled her eyes and i chuckled. I stood up and jumped across the sofa and walked over the table where she was sitting at.

W: "why are you jumping like Peter was in the compound-" she said whilst chuckling but then she looked down at her food.

"Hey Wands. Look at me, please?" I asked and held her hand from across the table.

"I know you miss him and the others and trust me that this whole
"being on the run" thing will be over in no time. At least we have each other, right?" I said and she looked up at me and gave me the most adorable smile as she scrunched her nose.

"Ah i love that thing you do-"

W: "what are you talking about?"

"That nose thing you do. It's adorable and cute." I said and she tilted her head.

"And THAT head tilt is HOT! You do it so often and even when you nock out people! Detka you're a badass." I said with a smile and she chuckled. After that chit-chat we ate our food in comfortable silence and after we finished it, i asked for washing the dishes because that's LITERALLY only thing i can do in the kitchen.

As i was done with dishes, i turned around and my eyes tried to find Wanda but i couldn't see her. I dried my hands and started walking around.

"Wanda?" I asked but no answer. I walked towards our bedroom and she was curled up in the covers as she held a pillow in her hands. I smiled as i approached her.
I sat on the edge of the bed and softly ran my fingers through her hair.

She hummed at my action and rolled over so she could face me. Wanda was smiling but she had her eyes closed.

"Hi" i said and she finally opened her eyes. That green beautiful emerald eyes of hers. I would do anything for those eyes, for those hands, that smile of hers and for her. I would do anything for the love of my life.

W: "sorry, i just got really tired- come lay down. Please!" She asked with puppy eyes and i couldn't resist. I leaned forward and gave her a loving kiss. She hummed in the kiss and cupped my face so she could get me even closer.

She then stood up and that lovely kiss quickly turned into a heated make out session. I moved up and sat on her lap as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I slowly pulled away and she had this familiar grin on her face and i just playfully rolled my eyes. As i stopped my gaze at her eyes, she was already looking at me. She had this loving smile on her face. One that shows not only passion, but love and care she has for me. She then bit her bottom lip and smiled even wider.

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