Reasons aren't enough

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Natasha pov

As i closed the door behind me i broke down. I heard Wanda screaming and begging for me to stay, but i couldn't. I cried my heart out but suddenly her crying stopped. She must've fallen asleep, I thought to myself as i stood up and walk towards the jet in front of me. I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

??? "Well done Romanoff." She said with the biggest grin. I just wanted to kill her, right there, right now.

"Let's just go Maria. Fury needs me." I said as i stood up and went behind the jet.

M: "where're you going?" She asked and i just ignored her. I didn't had the time for her sarcasm and pity.

I went in the back and sat on the floor as i looked through the glass window. All i could think about was her. Her gorgeous green eyes, that i might never see it again. That beautiful smile of hers with that cute nose scrunch she does.

I smile to myself as i live through our memories together. Everything was going so well for us, but nothing lasts forever.

I took out my phone and started calling Vision. I didn't wanted Wanda to be all alone. I'm scared that she might hate me... hate is a very strong word, but in this situation it's soothing.

On the phone call

V: "hello?" I heard his voice and my heart stopped beating for a second.

"Vision it's- it's me Nat..."

V: "why are you calling this late? Is everything okay- did ROSS FIND YOU GU-"

"Vision everything's fine." I let out a breath i didn't knew i was holding.
"I need you to go to Wanda. I- we."

V: "oh." He sighed and continued.
V: " there's no need to worry about miss Romanoff. I'll be there for her to keep her company."

"Thank you Vision." I felt tears streaming down my face.

V: "may i ask what happened. If you don't mind of course..."

"I-" my voice broke as i started sobbing in silence. Covering my mouth so Maria couldn't heard me.

V: "you cant tell, can you."

"Please just take good care of her."

V: "i will. You know, she loves you too much to forgive you for this."

"I- i know, im-"

V: "I'll try my best to make her feel safe and better. I hope you will get better too."

"Thank you so much Vision."

End of the call

I hang up the call and sat in silence. I unlocked my phone and started scrolling through the pictures. I saw so many videos of hers and eventually i clicked on the last one.

The video

W: "okay so- Nat is in the bathroom, doing God knows what-" she chuckled.

"Okay so! I want to surprise you my love." She smiled at the camera.

"SOOOO!!! Im gonna...Wait- you're gonna see this VIDEO!" She groaned and looked around.

"Anyways! Nat i have a present for you!" Her eyes were sparkling through the video. She took something out of her back pocket. It was a small green box. She opened and i saw this beautiful ring.

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