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Wanda pov

Its been week since that fight happened on the balcony between me and Nat. After that day i had panic attacks almost every day. My nightmares were getting worse and i couldn't sleep. Vision tried he's best to help me but he couldn't do anything about it, so he gave up.

It was currently 3am. I just woke up for my nightmare and i was sweating like crazy and my throat was dry.

I got up from the bed and walked out of my room. I closed the door carefully and walked towards elevator. As i got in i called Jarvis and told him to stop at kitchen floor.

As i stepped out of the elevator i rushed towards the fridge and took out a water bottle. I drank the whole thing and was about to walk out when Natasha walked in.

Then memories came back.

I quickly pushed Natasha away and slapped her across the face. I had tears running down my face as i looked at her with anger and need of something. I tried to get away from her grip on my arm but she wasn't giving up.

"What the fuck is the matter with you Natalia!" I screamed at her as she swiped her hand across her lips.

"What do you want me to do? Forget that you LEFT? Forget what i went through without you? Forget that you didn't even hesitated to walk through that door! What the fuck do you want me to DO NAT!" I yelled at her as i felt red wisps come out of my fingers.

N: "i had to! You don't get it. Wanda i had to leave! I got scared that you would leave me for Vision-"

"Guess what Nat! I didn't loved him! I loved you. God i loved you so much, that i even tried killing myself after you left!-" i quickly covered my mouth as she looked at me with terrified expression.

N: "Wanda-" she was about to continue when weather changed and it quickly started raining. She shook her head and looked down.

"Please don't come near me- never! Leave me alone Nat. This time i want you to leave. Im not gonna beg for you to stay-" i chocked on my words as i tried to move away from her touch, but it was getting tighter and tighter.

"Natasha let me GO!" I cried out but she just looked at me with sadnesses.

N: "why do you wear it then." She asked out of the blue as rain wetted our clothes.


N: "why do you wear that promise ring." She asked and my eyes widened.

"How did you-"

N: "i saw the video Wanda. I was devastated with how i left you and i know that was a terrible mistake. I regretted everything the moment i opened mg phone and went to my gallery. I saw your pictures and videos. I opened one of them and you were talking about, h-how-"

"Happy i was." I finished for her and she looked at me with hope in her eyes.

N: "why do you still have it." She asked and i laughed in disbelief.

"Seriously Romanoff? You know what. You have it. It was for you anyways, right!" I snapped my hand away from her grip and took off the ring.

"Here." I dropped it on the floor and went inside. She ran after me but i was fast enough and quickly closed my bedrooms door. For minutes she begged for me to let her in, but all i could do was cry.

N: "can't sleep?" I heard Natashas voice.

"Why do you care." I answered coldly and walked passed her.

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