Lets get this over with

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Author's pov

Almost 2 years have passed since Wanda's birthday. Vision still had feelings for Wanda, but he tried his best not to put Wanda in an uncomfortable situation and they had the same friendly relationship as before.

Wanda's mental state has improved relatively, she was eating well and she started training hand to hand combats with Vision. She was getting really good at fighting and Vision was impressed too.

She didn't stop writing in her diary and it was one of the forms of relaxation for her. She mostly wrote about her daily life and feelings. She still had nightmares and panic attacks but as always Vision was there for her.

Wanda knew Vision still had feelings for her but she didn't had romantic feelings towards him. She knew they were soulmates but platonic ones.

But one thing changed... her hatred to the read head she loved the most grew and grew. She hated Natasha more then anything. But she still wore her promise ring. Maybe she still had hope for their relationship, but i guess we'll never know...

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For Natasha, life was going not so well? Natasha could not forgive herself for her mistake. She still believed in the fact that Wanda and Vision were meant for each other, but she still regretted her foolish decision. Leaving Wanda.

She worked out non-stop, boxed and trained with Steve, and sat at the bar with Maria all the time complaining about what a terrible person she was.
But all this was repeated for a year until one day she had too much drink and slept with Maria.

After that day, Natasha locked herself in isolation. It wasn't enough that she didn't forgive herself for leaving Wanda, and now, as Natasha says, another mistake was added to the least.

Maria understood that, that night was one time thing and it would never happen again so she just gave up and never came back to the compound.

Boys were getting worried about Nat, but she made sure to not kick them out of her life. Still they were her family.

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Everything returned to normal in the compound. Tony was back from his trip with Pepper. Upon his return, he met Steve first and embraced him into a big hug. He explained how sorry he was and how he wished none of that stupid shit had happened.

Clint was still on house arrest, well kinda? He retired and wanted to live happy and calming life with his family and everyone understood that.

Thor and Bruce were still missing but none of them worried that much because they knew they would be safe. Its hulk and god of thunder we're talking about!

Steve was happy that Tony and his relationship with him went back to normal. Only thing that was missing was their witch. But that changed quickly.

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No one's pov

W: "oh my god Tony just go away! Why is it so hard to leave me alone!" Wanda shouted as Tony, Sam, Steve and Vision tried to convince her that reunion of the team would be great for them. For her.

S: "Wanda we just need you to come back to us! Come on-" Steve stepped in after noticing Tony had no power over Wanda.

W: "no Steve! This isn't about team! I will not come with you guys! I can NOT see her again. No-" Wanda raised her voice as her emotions filled up with rage.

W: "where is she anyways? To scared to meet me? Poor Agent Romanoff couldn't dared to show up?" Wanda faked being offended as she walked back and forth in her living room area.

T: "witchy STOP WALKING!" Tony snapped and with that Wanda tilted her head.

T: "okay don't do that! Last time you tilted your head like that, my suit squished by cars that landed on me, so just-" he sighed and stood up from the chair.

T: "Wanda Listen. Government isn't after you anymore. We- i... i want Avengers to exist again. Please-"

S: "did Tony just begged Wanda to come back? STEVE GET THE CAMERA-" Sam cheered and Wanda laughed.

T: "i swear to god bird boy! I will blast you out of here." Tony warned and Sam threw his hands up in defeat.

S: "Wanda please." Steve said as he approached Wanda and opened his arms for her for a hug, and with no thoughts she ran into his arms. Wanda let her emotions got the best of her as she started crying into Steves arms.

He gently patted her head and chuckled softly.

S: "we missed you Wanda. Even tony did." At that all of them laughed and Tony groaned.

T: "OKAY! Chop chop! Lets go." Tony said with grin on his face and stepped out of the house.
This was everything Wanda wanted, but this meant that she had to see Natasha again and she wasn't ready for it.

Natasha pov

"No- no, NO! What di you mean shes coming back- i, oh my GOD!" I ran around my room.

C: "you need to CHILL Romanoff!" Clint yelled at me as he pushed me down on my bed. I tangled my fingers up in my hair and started laughing like a maniac.

P: "okay Ms Romanoff you're kinda scaring me so stop-" peter said and i sighed.

"Sorry kid. But like- What will she do when she sees me again- wait no scratch that. WHAT THE FUCK WILL I DO WHEN I SEE HER AGAIN!" I laughed nervously and laid on my bed. Peter came towards me and sat next to me on the edge of the bed

"I hate this so much-"

J: "Ms Romanoff, Mr Barton, Mr Stark asked me to inform you two that team has arrived."

"SHIT SHIT SHIT- um- i. Jarvis?"

J: "yes Ms Romanoff."

"Are they alone-?" I asked with shaky voice.

J: "no. Vision and Ms Maximoff are with them." He said and my heart skipped a beat.

C: "okay tiger! You need to chill the fuck out!" Clint started but i quickly stood up and ran out of my room. I had no time for elevator so i chise the stairs. Millions of floors down? Yep thats seems right.

C: "ROMANOFF GET YOU ASS BACK IN HERE! NOW!" I heard Clints voice echo through the floors as i ran down towards the exit room area. I need to leave compound. NOW.

As i got down i saw Barton right in front of me and he caught me.

"Let me go!"

C: "Nat i swear to god! I will beat your ass."

"Like you could grandpa." I smirked and with that i swiped my leg down and he fell on his back. Peter walked towards me and pointed at Clints pants. I checked his pockets and surprisingly my motorcycles keys were there.

"Thanks for the keys kid!" I smiled at him, turned around and ran towards the exit. I looked behind and Clint got up and he had this evil smile on his face. But I didn't stop running until i bumped into someone.

"Shit-" i looked up and.

W: "Hey there Romanoff.



Be ready ppl! Shit is about to go DOWN for Natasha !!!!

In a good way. Iyk what im saying😏😏😏

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