Saving "dad"

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Wanda pov

"Can i like not wear that suit? Its so white." I said as i looked at nat who saw standing half naked in front of me.

"Well if you want to die-"

"Fine give it to me" i rolled my eyes as she threw suit at me. Just as i was about to undress she came closer to me with bandages and sat right next to me.

"Undress-" she asked but I couldn't help but blush at her.

"God you really can't think straight huh." She asked with a smirk and helped me with a shirt.

N: "Look at that, its healing- but really fast?"

"What do you mean?"

N:"look-" she pointed at my wound, which was completely healed.

"How the- how did i do that?"

N: "Well i have no idea- but this is grate! Maybe its your magic?"

Y: "OOOHHH I KNOW! I KNOW!" Yelena ran towards us and sat down on the floor. Our eyes widened at her action.

N: "YELENA wheel!" Natasha screamed and Yelena rolled her eyes.

Y: "its on autopilot you dumbo! Im not stupid!" I sighted out of relief and looked at Yelena, who was "respectfully" starting at my chest.

"Um- Nat..." she looked at me and then at her sister.

N: "stop staring you moron!" She said and hit back of Yelenas head.

Y: "what was THAT!" She answered in her thick accent as she rubbed her head.

N: "well I don't know? Maybe because you're starting at my half naked girl?"

Y: "oh right- sorry crazy hands!" She said and switched her gaze.

"Its okay, and Nat Can i just get this sow out of my skin? Because it feels very uncomfortable." I asked her with a smile and she nodded.

Y: " wait? So you magically healed? THATS SO COOL! How did you exactly do that?"

"Well i have no idea, but thats grate."

Y: "how did you got your magic? Like was it from the family genes or-"

"I was experimented in Hydra..." I answered and Natasha gave Yelena death stare and I chuckled.

"I like it when you're overprotective." I said with a proud smile and Yelena rolled her eyes.

N: "Well thank you babe. Okay so i took the sow out and heres the suit!" She said excitedly and handed me the white boring suit.

"Why can't it be red? I love red-"

N: "Well maybe because we're going towards the jail, which is somewhere in the mountains and there's probably lot of snow!" She said in sarcastic tone which annoyed me.

I got up and started undressing, as i was half way with the suit, i looked around and saw her staring at me.

"Staring isn't very nice Romanoff." I said with a smirk and she got up and wrapped her hands on my waist. She leaned closer and pulled me in for a kiss.

N: "God i want to rip this suit of your body right now" she said between kisses and I chuckled.

"Well you will, but not now." I turned my head towards her sister and she groaned.

N: "Ugh fine." She said but still continued kissing me.

Y: "Please don't-" I heard Yelenas voice and laughed as natasha backed away. She had the biggest smile on her face, which was adorable.

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