Don't die on me

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Wanda pov

We ran out from the apartment but the soldiers started shooting at us.

"Who are they!" I yelled and Yelena threw a bomb at them.

"They are widows. Just like us! Now FOLLOW me!" She yelled and ran upstairs.

"Where are we trying to get?" Nat asked as we followed her.

"Motorbike! East side of the building!" Yelena answered and continued running. There were too many widows out there. Every one of them were shooting at us and it was really difficult to get rid off them.

We ran up the stairs and Yelena kicked a wooden door open and we were on the rooftop. She ran towards the edge and jumped on the pole that was near by. Natasha followed her.

"NAT!" I screamed and she looked up at me. I created red wisps in my hands and flew down towards Yelena and Nat. Before they could land some widow jumped on Natasha.

"Hold on!" I heard Natasha scream but suddenly widow took her knife out and stabbed her.

"NO!" I screamed and landed on the ground. Widow fell right in front of me as Natasha and Yelena crashed into the wall. Yelena landed inside of the building. Natasha on the other hand, she fell on the ground and i ran towards her.

"Hey nat! Baby look at me!" I cupped her face and she groaned out of pain.

"Are you okay!" I asked worriedly and she sat up.

"Im fine Wands. But we need to get our attention towards her." She pointed her index finger towards the widow who was laying on the ground.

Natasha stood up and started walking towards the woman who was injured from the fall.

"Hey. Don't move, you're hurt." Natasha started and I followed her to make sure that widow wouldn't do anything to her.

"Let me help you." Natasha continued and pulled her hand toward her for some help but the widow turned her electroshock on and I quickly formed wisps in my hands.

"Wait- NO." Natasha turned to look at me and took my hand.

"Don't." She continued and i just nodded with angry expression. She turned her attention towards the widow and again continued walking towards her.

"You don't wanna do this. Okay?" Natasha again said and widow started crying.

"I don't want to do this! But he's making me do it!" She hissed and moved electroshock towards her head and shoot herself.

Natasha kneeled down and cupped her face, i got closer to her and putted my hand on her shoulder as she sobbed.

"I could've helped her Wands. But i did nothing."

"Stop blaming yourself for everything Tasha. Its okay-" i was interrupted by Yelena.

"What are you love birds are waiting for-" she stopped when she saw dead widow. Laying on the ground. Natasha looked up and Yelena walked towards us.

"Do you believe me now?" She said and Nat lowered her gaze.

"How many other are there Yel?" She then asked.

"Enough." Yelena answered coldly and quickly walked towards the streets. She stopped mid way and turned around confused.

"You two coming? Or-?"

"Yeah we're coming." I answered and hold out my hand for Natasha and she took it with a smile.

We followed Yelena and she leaded us towards her motorbike.

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