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Natasha pov

I heard alarm go on and Tony started running and i followed him back. We ran down stairs and i hid behind the wall. I saw Bucky fighting guards. I looked at Tony and he just nodded and pulled his arm closer to his chest, with that he clicked on the watch he was wearing and formed his Iron Man suit... well half of the suit. He then aimed his hand to Bucky and some kind of vibrating air came out of it. Bucky groaned and Tony ran towards him. They got into fist fight. Bucky aimed a gun to Tonys face, but he covered it with the suit that was formed on his hand. Bucky shoot at him and Tony looked terrified, Bucky turned around and punched him in the stomach. Tony literally flew across the tables that were in the era.
Sharon ran towards Bucky and i followed her. She started punching him but nothing. He just blocked her. She quickly backed away and that was my call. I ran towards him and punched him in the stomach with my ankle. He groaned and i kicked him again. Sharon came close to us and tried to punch him in the head but, Bucky was faster. He held her leg and threw her over the table. I jumped on his back, snaked my legs onto his head and started punching him. He held my hips and walked slowly and before i knew it i was laying on the table, and he was choking me.

"You could a-at lea-st recog-nize me." I said and then blacked out.

Wanda pov

"NATASHA!" I screamed as i sat up on my bed. I was sweating and breathing heavily. It was just a nightmare... i covered my face with my hands and slowly pulled them down. I looked around my room and it was completely dark. I got up and went into the bathroom. I turned the hot water in. I striped out of my clothes and walked into the shower, hot water immediately hit my face and i relaxed a little. I closed my eyes and concentrated about my dream.

It seamed so real... i don't feel good about this, im afraid that i might not be able to see her again, if this Accord thing gose to doom.

I walked out of the bathroom and got dressed. I wore black dress and oversized jacket over it. I putted my shoes on and walked out of my room.
I went in to the living room and i heard explosion. I ran towards the window and out of nowhere Vision came up and looked at me.

"Stay here please." He said and literally walked out of the wall. This dude kinda freaks me out. I was still looking out of the window and hear the footsteps. I concentrated on my powers, got in touch with a knife and threw it to whoever was behind me. I stopped knife. And looked back.


"Guess i should have knocked" he said with a smirk and i ran towards him.

"God i missed you! What are you doing here." I said as i broke the hug.

"Disappointing my kids." He said and threw his arrows on the objects. I have no idea the fuck is going on.

"And i missed you to Wanda" he smiled and took my hand.

"Come on. Cap needs us." He said and i followed him.

"Clint!" I heard loud voice behind us. We stopped and Clint chuckled.

"You should not be here" Vision said and started walking towards us.

"Really? I retired for what, like five minutes and it all gose to shit." Clint said.

"Please consider the consequences of your action." Vision continued.

"Okay... they're considered." He said sarcastically and out of now Vision got shocked by Clints arrows.

"Okay we gotta go." Clint said and starter running. I turned around and looked down.

"It's this way." He said confused as he looked at me.

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