Time travel

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Natasha pov

I watched Scott as he traced around in a little glass room as he wormed up like he was going for a run.

S.L: "hey hey HEY! Easy!" And there it is... "be careful with this!"

B: "im being very careful!" Bruce said as Scott took red water stuff away from him.

S.L: "no you're being very hulky! These are Pym Particles, all right! Ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence. This is IT!"

"Alright bug boy. Calm down!" I teased as Scott rolled his eyes.

S.L: "its Ant-Man!"

"Yeah i don't care." He took a deep breath and looked at Bruce.

S.L: "we've got enough for one round-trip each. That's it... no due overs. Plus two test runs." He said and placed Pym in his suit but he got tiny.

"You meant ONE test runs?" I said as he got big again and almost threw the glass bottle at me.

S.L: "alright im not really ready for this..." there was a long silence in the room but i had an idea.

"I'll do it." And within seconds we switched spots as Bruce was talking about stuff i didn't understood and Nebula was adjusting timer on my suit.

Then Rhode said that we should travel back and kill baby Thanos which i liked to try, but of course Bruce had something genius to answer and he crashed his idea. And before i knew it, i was already standing on the platform which would make me travel back in time.

B: "okay Nat you're ready?" Bruce shouted and i nodded as my helmet closed. I took a deep breath.

B: "3..2..1!" I looked up as machine opened and sucked me in.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled as i traveled back in time. I saw so many paths and oh god my head felt dizzy but before i knew it i was done.

"Where the fuck am i-" i said to myself and looked around.

"Am i in my room-" i looked around and everything seemed so familiar...

"Okay Romanoff you can do this! Lets find something...okay okay! I- what do i have that i would love to take?" I hummed as i spun around in my room. And then it hit me.

I walked up to my closet and dig through piles of clothes and BINGO! I
Held out my black widow belt and stood up.

"This should work." before i could do anything more, i heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Who's this?!" I shouted and hoped they would go away.

"Tasha ...can i come in-?" I froze. No this can't be- is this- "please let me in." And before i knew it i ran towards the door and swung it open. And there she was.

W: "you look- great..." Wanda said as she looked at my suit up and down. It was kinda tight but more secure then my black widow suit.

i stared at her blankly. I felt so many emotions and yet i couldn't express them.

"W-Wanda? Is this really y-you?" I asked as she looked at me with raised eyebrows.

W: "No. Im actually your long lost half-" before she could say any more nonsense, i held her hand and pulled her towards me as i embraced her into a tight hug.

W: "wow slow down! You're gonna kill me like that!" She giggled as she hugged me back. I pulled away and looked at her in disbelief. Scanning her face, body, hands, hair and those eyes. Those emerald eyes i didn't knew i missed that much.

W: "why are you looking at me like that?" She blushed and looked at me with warm smile. Before i knew what i was doing, i cupped her face and pulled her into a kiss. She shivered at my actions but gave in as she snaked her hands around my neck and pulled me even closer. I felt how tears escaped my eyes. I could feel her touch, her breath and her. She was real. Alive.

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