Argument or passion

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Natasha pov

"Find her? What did she meant by that?" I felt anger as i walked towards her room and literally almost kicked her door open.

"Natasha knock!" Wanda shouted as i got close to her. She was sitting on her bed.

"Find you? What did you exactly meant by that? The fuck do you think i am? A fucking GPS?" I say sarcastically as she shooks her head.

"Natasha just liste-"

"No you listen! You can't just give up like this!"

"Im not giving up!" She shouted back and sat up from her bed.

"It seems like you are."

"Tasha just listen okay." She came closer to me and cupped my face.

"I don't want to sign the Accords. I just think, that it's wrong."

"No it's not! If you don't sign this...."
I sighed and looked at her, into her eyes.

"They might take you away, God knows where and what if they do experiments on you? What would i do if i wouldn't be able to "find" you?"

"Natasha don't make this harder than it's already is-"

"How are you so fucking calm!"

"Hey don't yell at me!" She backed away.

"I - I'm sorry, i didn't mean to-" i sighed. "Just think about it.okay..."

"I'll think about it, but i can't assure you that i will change my mind about this." She says with sad look and i nod.

"God i just hate how calm she is right now! How can she even think about this? I hate that i care about her! I hate the fact that i can't handle if something ever happens to her! God why is this so hard." I thought to myself and then finally started to speak up.

"Let's change the subject okay. I don't want to argue with you"

"Okay? What do you want to talk about?" She says as she got closer to me. Again. My breathing got heavier.

"Why does she has this much effect on me? Like i know that i like her and all that. But like! Ugh why am i overthinking this? We haven't even had a first date.... Oh my God! The first date! It was ruined because of Lagos thing..." i stop overthinking and notice that shes way too close to me.

"Wanda i-" before i could finish i felt her soft lips on mine. She slipped her hands behind my neck to deepen the kiss and i gave in. I pulled her closer by her waist. When she pulled away she was smirking.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing... just thinking about what would happen after our "first date" if whole Lagos situation hasn't happened." She sighed and backed away dramatically, i took her wrist and pulled her back in quick kiss.

"Why don't you find out?" I said teasingly and she kissed me again. This time with more pressure than before. Kiss was so passionate and desperate. She separated her lips apart, for me to have more accuses to her mouth. Our tongues touched. She moaned im my mouth and i smirked at that.

I lowered my hands to her hips, and lifted her up, Not stopping the kiss. She quickly wrapped her legs on my waist. I started walking towards her bed. I sat down and she position herself on my thigh. Wanda kissed me again, my hands made their way down to her shirt and i slowly lifted up. Her breathing hitched and i chuckled. I threw her shirt somewhere on the floor and when i looked at her again, she was already looking at me with spark in her eyes. She smiled and pulled me into kiss.

Wanda pov

As we kissed Natasha put her hand on my back and opened my bra. i moaned at the feeling and she smirked, i took off my bra and trew it somewhere on the floor. when i turned my head to look at her, she was already looking at my breasts.

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