I failed her

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Author's pov

I feel like love between Natasha and Wanda was special. They were two different souls like Yin and Yang. Moon and sun. But what can i say... they completed each other like stars in the space. But stars sometimes fall or just disappear...right?

Natasha pov

We were in the main laboratory where Shuri was doing some tests on Vision. Wanda was really nervous. couple minutes ago she left the room but i didn't followed her...space isn't bad for anyone, right?

But she was taking too long. I got worried and started walking back and forth, before i had enough.

"Hey uh guys... I'm gonna look for Wanda. Is it alright for me to go?" The nodded and i basically ran out of the lab as i searched for her.

This place was HUGE. Like if we enlarged our compound million times. And how the fuck am i supposed to find my girlfriend, who is small as a rock.

I ran around the hallways before i heard little sobs out of the bathroom.
I walked up to it and i was about to knock when door slid on left side.

"Fancy-" i whispered as i walked in and door automatically closed.

W: "w-who is t-her-e?" Thats not good.

"Hey sweetheart- i was worried sick about- WHAT happened!" I ran towards her as i saw her sitting on the floor. She was hugging her knees as she sobbed quietly. As i got close to her, i kneeled down and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Hey, its okay-..." she then hugged me back and buried her face in the crock of my neck.

W: "Nat i c-can't do this right n-now" she sobbed as i rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"What if we lose Nat! I don't wanna die- i don't want to lose you-" her breathing got heavier as her grip on my suit got tighter.

"Hey breathe in breathe out okay! Remember how we did those when you were having trouble. You can do that right?" She quickly nodded as i started breathing slowly and she copied me. After seconds Wandas breathe returned to normal and she backed away.

W: "i don't wanna die-" she looked down as i cupped her face.

"Who said that you will! This is nonsense! Detka listen to me carefully okay! You are the most powerful person i know, you're the most powerful person in the world! You think you can't beat that titans ass?" She giggled softly and sniffed quietly. I cupped her face and her gaze fell on me.

"Don't make that pretty eyes if yours suffer. They look lot prettier when they spark from happiness." I winked at her and she chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. As she backed away she hugged me again and sighed.

W: "thank you..."

"No need to thank me love. Im always here for you, rather you like it or not."
Before we could say something we heard alarm go off. We quickly stood up and looked at each other in terror.

"Hey we're gonna be okay. Do you trust me?" She looked at me and nodded.

W: "i do." She nodded as we ran out of the bathroom. As we got closer to the lab, we saw soldiers running outside and just as we walked in, Shuri almost jumped at us.

S: "i know how to save Vision! But i need time-"

"Okay! So we can do this! But how long will this take-" Wandas face lit up as she looked at me with a smile.

S: "as long as you can give me." She said and i nodded. I looked at Okoye and she nodded at me.

O: "something entered the atmosphere...he's here." We looked outside of the window as his army ships started to land on the ground. I looked behind me as i felt soft hands on my shoulder.

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