It was real to me too

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Natasha pov

"Open your eyes WANDA!" I was punching her in the chest as i sobbed through the pain in my heart. Since Dreykov kicked and shocked her, shes been like this for over a minutes.

Y: "NATASHA! We need to go-"

"Yelena i can't leave her, i can't-" i sobbed and checked her pulse.

"Shes alive!" I said with smile on my face. I got up and lifted Wanda up in my arms. Suddenly explosion happened again and with fear i looked at Yelena. She sighed and pulled her armes towards Wanda.

Y: "I'll take her." With a nod i handed her Wanda and kissed both of theirs forehead.

"Please be careful Yelena."

Y: "don't worry about me and her, we'll be fine." With a smile she turned around and ran out of the room. I quickly ran towards Dreykovs desk and opened his drawer. I putted his ring on the sensor tablet and i logged in to the hologram. I placed the chip in the tablet and waited for it to load from O to lOO. I waited, and waited, and WAITED!

"Come on......" i whispered as almost everything behind me exploded
"Come ON!" I waited and FINALLY it was ready. I quickly took the chip out of the tablet and also saw a cure on the floor and quickly took it.

Meanwhile with Wanda

I woke up in Yelenas arms because of the loud explosion. I coughed and she quickly looked down at me.

Y: "thanks god you're alive!" She said and placed me down and checked me.

Y: "please tell me that you're powers work!" She said nervously and i closed my eyes and as i opened them i saw red wisps all over my body. She smirked and ran out of the halls, i followed her.

"Wheres NAT!" I yelled after her.

Y: "i don't know-" when she said that i felt goosebumps all over my body. I closed my eyes and concentrated on one thing- Natasha.

Y: "Wanda what are you doing!"

"I can't leave without her! You go, we will find you." She nodded and ran forward. I looked everywhere with my mind and i saw her. She was falling out of the building. I quickly opened my eyes and suddenly teleported where she was.

"NATASHA!" I screamed as i saw her falling. I flew up towards her and caught her just in time. I wrapped my arms around her weist as i pulled her closer.

"I've got you! You're safe." She hugged me back as we landed.

N: "i thought i lost you for a minute." She pulled me in for a loving kiss which i returned. As we pulled apart she looked around and we saw Dreykov running in the helicopter, followed by guards and oh my GOD! Is that Yelena?

"YELENA!" I screamed as Natasha and i ran towards her. She quickly attached her widow rope to the roof of the helicopter and walked towards the engine.

N: "YELENA DONT DO IT!" Natasha yelled with tears in her eyes.

Y: "THIS WAS FUN!" She yelled out with a smile and blew the engine.

"NO!" I screamed and flew towards her. Natasha followed me-
I flew down towards Yelena and quickly got a hold on her. Natasha quickly joined us and she attached parachute to Yelena. We opened it and left her in the sky as both of us flew down- i wrapped my armes around Natasha but out of nowhere Dreykovs daughter fell on top of us. I lost control of my powers and all of us fell on the ground.

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