What did you DO!

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Natasha pov

R: "its been 23 days since Thanos came to earth... world governments are in pieces-" Rhode started talking but everything got blurry to me when i saw Wandas face on hologram. I haven't seen her eyes for month and when her face came across the screen my breathing hitched.

I looked down and fought the urge to stop myself from crying as everyone continued talking. I looked up and saw everyone had rage and fear in their eyes. I was about to speak when Tony beat me to it.

T: "where is he now?"

S: "we don't know" Steve said whilst looking down. "He just opened portal and walked through it..." Tony chuckled sarcastically and then looked over at Thor.

T: "what's wrong with him?"

R: "oh his pissed...he thinks he failed, which of course he did... but there's a lot that going around. Ain't there?" Rocket said and Tony nodded.

S: "we've been hunting Thanos for 3 weeks now, deep space scans... and satellites, and we got nothing, Tony you fought him-"

T: "who told you that? I didn't fought him. No. He wiled my face with a planet, while the Bleecker Street magician gave away the stone. Thats what happened-" he started as i stared at him blankly.

S: "did he gave you any clues? Any coordinates, anything?" Steve cut him of and Tony just puffed and pointed his finger at Pepper.

T: "i saw this coming few years back... i had a vision, i didn't wanna believe it. Thought i was dreaming." He started but Steve cut him off.

S: "Tony i need you to focus!-"

T: "and i needed you." He said and room fell silent. I clenched my jaw and tightened my fist as i watched him in disgust.

T: i needed you as in last tense. That trumps what you need. Its too late buddy. Sorry." He smiled at him and got up. He almost fell but placed his palms on the table for balance.

T: "you know what i need... i need to shave. And i believe i remember telling all that what we needed..." he struggled as he tried taking blood begs off of his veins while Rhode tried stopping him.

T: "was suit of armor around the world. Remember that! Whether it impacted out precious freedoms or not. Thats what we needed!" He spit it out and i looked down.

S: "well that didn't work out did it?"

T: "i said we'll lose, you said well do that together too. Guess what Captain, we lost! And you weren't there! I lost so much in that space and only thing you had to do was to win!" Before he could continue i banged my hands on the table as everyone around me almost jumped.

"Is this a fucking joke to you STARK? Is this what you think this is? A big joke! You lost everything? If not anything this is all your fault that we LOST!" I breathed out as angry tears escaped my eyes. Steve came closer to me and rested his hand on my shoulder.

S: "Nat calm down please-"

"NO! Im not gonna calm down! Im not gonna let him do this to us! You lost everything? What did you lost Tony?" I asked and he stayed quiet.

"Clints family, My sister, Peter, Bucky, Sam, Fury, Maria, Vision, Wanda! All of them got bleeped away! We were a family! You're not the only one who lost everything Tony!"

S: "you had a sister-"

"Not the time Steve!" I hissed at him and looked at Tony as he walked towards me. He placed his hand on arc reactor and pulled it off as he placed it in my hands.

T: "if you find him. Put this on you and HIDE!" He yelled at me and fell on his knees. I watched him with pure anger as he fainted. I placed reactor on the table.

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