Don't touch her!

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Natasha pov

As both team got closer to each other Steve ran up to Peter and got his shield back. I looked around and that dude who was technically new, started attacking me.

"Look i really don't wanna hurt you." He started.

"I wouldn't stress about it." I said with a smirk and kicked him hard. I took his arm and was about to pin him down, but he got smaller and started swinging on my arm and pinned me down. He pulled my hand behind my back and then i shoot my widow bites at him and he flew like a fly. I got up and saw Wanda, Clint and Tony fighting. Wanda had red wisps around her hands and out of nowhere cars came flying at Tony. He got stuck inside them. I was about to ran towards him when Steve threw a literal truck at us and then it blew up.

I rolled over and saw Tony. He helped me with getting up.

"Okay now im pissed!" Rhode said through coms and i looked at Tony.

"Is this part of the plan?" I said annoyed.

"Well my plan was "go easy on them" you wanna switch it up?" He said and we looked at Steves direction. I saw Wanda and Clint running towards Steve,Bucky and that Ant-Man dude. He calls himself that. He already annoys the fuck out of me.

All of them started running and i backed away. Out of nowhere laser blocked their way, I looked up and saw Vision. I rolled my eyes and he flew down. So did Rhode and Peter. Then T'Calla joined us too.

"Captain Rogers!" Vision yelled.
"I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

"Yeah i don't know about that." Steve said and ran towards us. We did the same.

"Mr Stark. There aren't stopping." Peter said with shaky voice.

"Neither do we." I said and my eyes fell on Clint. I ran towards him.

"Long time, no see." He said with a smile and i rolled my eyes.

"Seriously you bring my girlfriend in this fight and then act like nothing-"

"Woah. Whoa! A girlfriend? When did that happened?" He said in shock.

"Not your business." I said with a grin and attacked him. We fought, and he pinned me down.

"Hey- we're still friends, right?" I asked curious.

"Depends how hard you hit me." He said playfully and i rolled him over. I was about to kick him when my gaze fell on Wanda. She was smiling at me and then i felt sharp pain in my stomach.

"Fuck- you C-Clint" i said in breathy voice and he just ran off. I looked over Wanda and she was fighting Rhode. I saw Steve and Bucky run towards open garage thing, where the jets were. I ran after them but beat them, and got there first. I heard crack sound and looked out, where i saw Wanda holding a whole FUCKING BUILDING! By herself! Then i noticed Steve and Bucky running towards the entrance.

"Come on Steve." I whispered to myself. Then i heard terrifying screaming.

"WANDA!" I screamed but i wasn't fast enough, and i got locked with Steve, Bucky and T'Challa.

"Steve is this really what you want." I say with teary eyes.

"Nat i cant let him take Barnes." He said and looked at me worriedly.

"No time for chit chatting boys! Barnes is coming with me!" T'Calla yelled and that was a call for me.

"Go!" I screamed at Steve. He and Bucky smiled at me and left. I shot my widow bites at T'Challa and he groaned. I got closer to the exit and looked at king.

"I said i would help you get to him. Not get him." I said and ran towards Wanda. She was laying on the ground, her hands on her head and her knees up to her chest.

"Hey- hey detka. Im here look." I said worriedly and she sobbed.

"Nat it hurts- s-so bad!" She groaned and i just wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey lubov. Look at me." I said and she did. "Breathe in, breathe out. Can you repeat that?" I asked and she nodded
I took a deep breath and she did the same. I leaned towards her and connected our foreheads together.

"Tahsa im so sorry- i" Wanda started but i just shushed her.

"No. Please don't apologize." I pulled away and looked into her beautiful green eyes. I was so furious at Rhode!
I looked around and saw bunch of cars gather around.

"No- no this can't be right." I said shaking my head in disbelief and nervousness. I looked down at Wanda and she just gave me a weak smile.

"No this can't be- i just got you back Wands-" i said as i started tearing up. Cars got closer and Wanda stood up, i did the same. She pulled me into a hug, a goodbye hug.

"No don't you dare Maximoff!" I said and she cupped my face. She leaned and kissed me. It was loving and desperate one. We pulled away and she was crying.

"I know its soon but i have to tell you something-" Wanda started but was cut of by cars who surrounded us.


"I love you Nat." She said with hope in her eyes.

"I- Wanda. God this can't be it." I took my gun out and pulled Wanda closer to me.

"If you touch her, i will fucking kill you all! You hear me." I said angrily and saw Ross coming out of his car.

"Romanoff this is not you business. Give Maximoff to us! Now." Ross commanded and i felt coldness behind me. I looked around and saw Wanda who was laying on the ground.

"WANDA!" I screamed and kneeled down. I hold her closer as the guards came charging at us.

"Ross don't! Please!" I begged as they took her out of my hands. They putted her in handcuffs as she opened her eyes. She smiled at me and fainted again. They closed the door of the car she was in and started driving.

"NO!" I screamed as i got up and started running after cars.

"Wanda no!" I screamed, again and eventually gave up. I kneeled down and started sobbing before i felt someones hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Ms Romanoff. We will get her back someday. We will get all of them back." I looked up and saw Peter, who was smiling hopefully at me. I smiled and wiped my tears.

"I hope that will come true Peter." I said and started walking towards jet.


Natasha didn't said it back...

Well we are getting closer to black widow😍

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