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Natasha pov

I was awake. It was six am and i couldn't sleep. I was thinking about last night. About everything that happened. Me and Wanda! God i can't believe! It was the best thing ever. I looked down and saw her. She was resting her head on my chest. She was sleeping so peacefully. God shes so pretty! Like im so lucky.

My thoughts were interrupted by loud knock.

"Romanoff? Are you up?" I heard Steves voice. I looked at Wanda and she just rolled over and now was laying on her stomach. I sighed and angrily got up.

"Oh this better be good" i whispered and opened door slowly.

"What." I hissed at Steve and he looked into my room.

"Is that Wanda-"

"Get out" i pushed him back and came out of my room. I closed door slowly and when i turned around, Steve was smirking at me.

"Did you two?"

"Yes! And what do you want!"

"Wow calm down Romanoff."
He said with a chuckle and quickly changed his emotions to serious one.

"We need to talk." He started talking.

"Okay... but now?"

"Yes. Why do you think i knocked on your door?"

"Get to the point." I rolled my eyes a d he started walking towards the elevator.

"Follow me."

"Can you tell me the fuck is going on right now?"

"LANGUAGE!" Steve literally screamed and then quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

"Okay grandpa... chill out" i said with a smirk and he rolled his eyes. He pushed the button and the door openedZ

"Ladies first" he said and bend down like he was some kind of old maid.

"Um okay?" I said kinda confused and walked inside the elevator. He followed me. He clicked the button witch would bring us to the training room.

"I thought we had something Romanoff" Steve said and i laughed.

"It was one time thing. Get over it"

"I know im just messing with you" he said and laughed with me. When the door opened i kicked his leg and he fell down.

"One point for the Black Widow and zero points for grandpa over here." I said and ran towards the gym.

"You're a CHILD!" Steve yelled and i chuckled.

I started lifting gears and then he joined me.

"So do you like love her?"

"What a grate way to start a conversation" i said in a sarcastic tone and he smiled.

"Im serious Nat."

"Well maybe- i don't know."

"Are you two serious?"


"Wait really! Thats so grate." He said with a biggest smile and i just nodded. God i really got the girl huh.

"So is she going to sign the Accords?"
His question hit me like a broken glass.

"I want her to, but i don't think she will." He looked at me and nodded.

"You know Tony is locking her in here right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well Wanda can't really leave the place unless tony says to..."

"That sun of a bitch" i said in annoyed tone and putted my gears done. Hours has passed and i i looked at clock. It wqs 10 am.

"I better go up there. To you know... Wanda still might be there."

"Yeah sure. Go to you girlfriend" Steve teased and as i walked out i showed him my middle finger. He chuckled and i laughed.

When i went up to my room, i slowly opened the door and saw Wanda. She was still asleep and was cuddled up to my pillow.

I slowly walked up to her and pulled her hair back to behind ear. I put my hand on her cheek and slightly rubbed it with my thumb.

She hummed and opened her eyes. Her green eyes met mine and i was mesmerized by her beauty.

"Hey detka. Rise and shine." I said with a smile, still thinking about the other night.

"What time is it?" She mumbled and rubbed her eyes.

"Its one pm and you better get up." I said with a chuckle and she sat up on the bed.

"Wow-" i widened my eyes. She was still naked and looked so, just wow.

"What- oh sorry" she said with a nervous laugh and covered her self with blanket.

"Well there's nothing i haven't seen before." I said with a smirk and her cheeks reddened.
I leaned closer to her and kissed her. She melted into my touch and wrapped her arms around my neck. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. Like nothing could go wrong right?

"You need to shower, your hair is literally wet from the sweat." Wanda said and i giggled.

"Just five more seconds. I just want to hug you, kiss you."

"Oh really? Who knew The Black Widow could've been this soft." She said teasingly, and i wasn't having it. I stood up and she groaned.

"Come on! I was just messing around."

"Well that soft Black Widow made you weak in your knees so i guess im not that soft after all." I answered and went in to my bathroom. When i finished showering and got out, Wanda wasn't in my room anymore.

"I guess she left." I changed into a black jeans and white shirt. After couple of minutes i got a phone call. I looked at my phone and number was unknown. I answered the phone call and heard familiar voice.

"Ms Romanoff. You need to attend the meeting in Vienna. It's about Sokovia Accord."

"And who is this- ah- hello?" I lowered the phone down and the hung up on me. "Rude" i said as i putted my phone back to my pocket.

Wanda pov

It's been hours since Natasha left. She said she was going on a meeting, but i had a bad feeling about this. I was in the living room with Vision. Yeah i had no other choice because he was the only one in the compound. we were watching news.

The news

"A bomb hidden in the news van, ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured, at least 12 are dead. Including Wakandas king T'Chaka.
Officials have released the video, of a suspect. Who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes.
THE WINTER SOLDIER. The infamous Hydra agent. Linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations." My eyes widened at the videos of burning building.

"Oh my FUCKING GOD!" I gasped and Vision looked at me confused

"Natasha! She was supposed to be in that building!" I quickly got my phone and called her. Tears fell down my cheeks. And finally she PICKED up.

"Yeah?" She said and the relief i felt in that moment was undesirable.

"Are you- are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... i got lucky. I will return soon but first i have to make a phone call with someone." She said softly.

"Um- okay just be safe Tasha." I said and she chuckled.

"Yeah with this job it'll be hard... okay i gotta go now, see you soon Wands"
She said and hang up.
I felt empty after the phone call. I knew something really bad was about to happened but i didn't knew what was it.


Bucky's here😍

Yeah and Steve will probably ruin everything...

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