What are you hiding

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Natasha pov

W: "you know he can still enter. Right?" I sighed and sat on the couch.

"Open the door i guess." I told Wanda. She nodded and walked towards the door, she opened it and smiled.

W: "you can come in Vision." She said and with that he entered.

"What brings you here buddy. I hope you're not helping Ross." I said as i cupped my face with my palms. I felt Wandas hand on my arm and let out a deep sigh.

V: "I'm confused. I- i have this visions because of the mind stone-" he said. I looked up and now he was standing right in front of us.

"Do we look like green guy and his billionaire friend? I don't think so-" i joked and felt how Wanda pinched me . I hissed and looked up at her, she just smiled and moved her gaze towards Vision.

W: "what do you mean? Those visions... what are they like?" Wanda asked. It seemed like she knew something about this and because of that i got serious and started listening carefully to their conversation.

V: "i see you- i, i don't want to make this awkward but." He sighed and looked at me. I knew what he meant by that so all i could do was a nod. He smiled and continued.

V: "i feel you, see you, i feel your powers and i think mind stone wanted me to find you- this might sound stupid but i think-"

W: "this was meant to be." Wanda finished his sentence and he nodded.

"Hold up- meant to be? Excuse you." I said and stood up from the couch.

"Meant to be-" i chuckled and pulled my hair up with a hair tie.

W: "I've been... um, I've been having some visions. They are terrifying. I see everyone and everything destroyed and the mind stone-" she stopped and pointed at Vision.

Wanda stood up and started walking towards him. I watched her every move closely as she sighed.

W: "can i?" She asked and Vision nodded. It was like they knew what was going on. I felt- i dont know... i felt jealous.
She moved her hand up and red wisps came out of it.

W: "i just feel you- and the mind stone, the power it ha-" she continued talking but that phrase. She said it to me. I-

W: "calling from earth to Natasha." I heard i shook my head and Wanda was now standing in front of me.

"Ah yeah- sorry." I laughed nervously and she knew something was off.

"Wanda im fine." I gave her a kiss and she sighed.

V: "can i- okay... ehemm" he cleared his throat and sighed.

V: "can i stay with you two-"


W: "Natasha!" Wanda yelled-whispered at me as she clenched her teeth.

"What- he can't stay here Wanda. What if Ross has control or something over him-"

V: "that's not how i work-"

"What do you know toaster." I said and instantly regretted it when i looked at my angry girlfriends expression.

"No offense."

V: "none taken..." he said and started walking towards the door.

"Wait-" i said and he looked back at us.

"Do you have a phone?"

V: "yes i do."

"Leave your number and if something happens we-, i will make a call. Okay?"

V: "thank you."


After Vision left time passed and Wanda was TO quiet and it was killing me.

I was sitting in the TV area. I wanted to talk to her about this but i felt like it wasn't something i should have known about. Out of nowhere i heard screaming.

"WANDA!" I yelled out to her but nothing. I ran towards our room, i opened the door and room was dark, only moon light was making through the windows.

I looked around and our bathroom door was open. I quickly rushed over and saw Wanda laying on the ground, sobbing and screaming through pain.

"Wa-Wanda!" I kneeled down and pulled her into my arms.

W: "Natalia-" she said as her breathing got faster.

"Wa- Wanda just breathe slowly,
p-please try it ok-ay?" I asked and she crawled up in my arms and hugged me. After minute or so her breathing got back to normal. She sighed and backed away, wiping her tears away.

W: "im- so sorry-" she said as she cupped her face. She started shaking as she continued crying. I felt tears streaming down my face. I didn't knew what was happening but i wanted to help her. I crawled towards her and hugged her tight.

"What happened?" I asked and she shrugged, not sure what was happening to her either.

W: "Nat im scared." She finally said and hugged me back.

W: "please don't leave me Nat- i" she was choking on her words.

"Where did this came from Wands? Detka you know i will always be with you. What is it that scares you love?" I asked and she looked up at me with puffy eyes.

"Please don't cry. Don't make those emerald eyes suffer, my love." I said and she giggled at my cheesiness. I kissed her head and hugged her even tighter. Was this happening too many times? Was she hiding something from me?

W: "im having this visions Nat." She said finally explaining her situation.

W: "the life I always wanted but not with who i wanted it." She said as she wiped her tears again.

W: "little house in this little town named Westview. I have two kids and-" she stopped and looked at me. I just smiled at her and she let out sigh.

W: "i have this life with Vision." She looked down. I was shocked. I didn't knew what to say-
Does this means that they are meant for each other? Does this means that our relationship is just something not important? Is this all fake...

W: "Na-Nat?" Wanda asked as tears fell out of her eyes. I just looked at her, not knowing what to say i just stood up and left the room.

Wanda pov

Did she just-?

"NATASHA-" i yelled-cried as she walked towards our bedroom door.

N: "i need- some time..." she said and that was the last thing i heard from her as she closed the door. I broke down. I cried and screamed her name but she didn't came back.

How could she leave me like this- i. I need her- i need to tell her that i don't want that life- at least with Vision. I don't want him, i want Natasha, i want her. I want to feel her, kiss her, hug her, comfort her and to live with her forever.

I sobbed uncontrollably as thousands of thought filled my head. I was heart broken but still found the way to understand her side. Im having this visions about being happy with someone who's not her. This might be hard for her but- leaving without saying anything.

Im feel something bad. Im scared that i might lose her and i don't want that. Even the thought of losing her makes me want to end my life. I cant, i cant lose her... not now.


Sorry for late update...AGAIN.

I swear i will try to update as much as possible. I want to make this story sad kind of story...


So like, prepare yourself for future chapters...

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