I cant

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Wanda pov

I ran down the hallways towards the meeting room and when i saw Vision standing there, i almost screamed from happiness.

"VISION!" I shouted and ran towards him. He smiled and opened his arms for me as we embraced each other into a tight hug.

"I missed you so much Vis!" I said and looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

V: "i missed you to Wanda. Im glad to see you. But we have something important to tell y-you..." he said sadly and backed away.

N: "look the robot's back-"

"DONT!" I shot a death glare at Natasha as she walked into the room and sat next to Steves.

N: "okay okay!" She said chuckling and quickly stood up as Bruce, Rhode and Sam walked into the room.

N: "B-Bruce?" She asked as he entered the room shyly.

B: "hey Nat..." silence filled the room and it was AWKWARD.

S: "well this is awkward-" Sam whispered to me and Vision as we chuckled. I then looked at Bruce and glared at him as he looked at Natasha with puppy eyes.

R: "so are we gonna talk now or not?"


N: "So... Thanos guy... wants to KILL us and Tony is in SPACE after him and he has PETER WITH HIM!?" Natasha shouted as she walked back and forth. I set in silence as Vision looked at me closely.

R: "we still have to stay alert. They can still come back, right?"

"And they're not gonna back away without a fight." I said as my hands started to shake.

B: "we need as much as help we can get. Anyways wheres Clint?" Bruce asked as he looked at Natasha.

N: "i um- after whole accord situation, Clint and Scott took an opportunity to stay on house arrest, to protect their families. But now, he just wants to stay out of this." Nat said as she walked towards me and stood beside me.

B: "and Scott is?"

S: "Ant man..." steve said whilst looking down.

B: "there's a Ant man and the Spiderman? Okay- look...Thanos has the biggest army in the universe. I was there... me and Thor saw everything...and he is not gonna stop, until he gets that stone." He said and pointed at Visions head. I looked down as Vision walked towards me.

V: "we need to destroy the stone-"

"No. We're not gonna have this conversation... i- im not gonna watch you die- that's too high a price" i said as he cupped my face.

V: "i trust you Wanda... i know that you can never hurt me. Only you have the power to pay the price." He said and i walked away. Shaking my head in disbelief. Natasha followed me and rubbed my back as angry tears streamed down my face.

V: "Thanos threatens half the universe. One like cannot stand in the way of defeating him."

S: "but it should...we don't trade lives Vision-"

V: "Captain. 70 years ago you laid down your life to safe how many millions of people? How is this any different." Silence filled the room, before Bruce spoke up.

B: "y-you have a choice! Your mind is made up of complex construct of overlays. Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, Me, the stone! All of the mixed together. All of them learning from one another."

"So you're saying Vision isn't just a stone?" I said sarcastically, because i think i was the only one who actually noticed that.

B: "im just saying that, if we take out the stone, theres still lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts."

N: "can we do that?" Natasha asked as i turned my attention towards Bruce.

B: "not me, not here.".

S: "i know where we can do that... Wakanda."

N: "Wakanda!? After our fight against T'Challa you think he's gonna help us. Nah ah! I don't think so-" Natasha faked laughed and Steve shook his head.

S: "trust me on this Nat. We can do this. I know we can." He said and with that i went out of the room. I heard Natasha and Vision calling my name from the distance, but i didn't stopped.

I quickly got inside of my room and locked the door. I fell on my bed as i started crying and sobbing nonstop.

"I- i cant do this. I cant!" I cried but that didn't last long as i heard soft knock on my door.

N: "W-Wanda... can i come i-in..." Natasha?

"Yes you c-can" i sniffed back my tears as i opened door with my powers. Natasha quickly got in and locked the door as she walked towards me. She gently sat on the bed and cupped my face.

N: "please don't cry... everything will be alright. Im sure." She said with a smile and i just looked down.

"How can you be so sure Nat? What if i have to destroy the stone, while its still inside Visions head- i cant do that Nat! I love him so much and he means so much to me. He was there for me when you left and he helped me through my hard times. He's the dearest friend i have. I cant just lose him like that..." i sobbed as she pulled me into a tight hug.

N: "hey look at me! we've been through so much. So much bad and good, and look were we at now? We're together, aren't we? We can do this Wanda. Me and you together okay?"

"What if-"

N: "no! There's no what if! We will get over this. We will defeat Thanos and we will get home safe. Okay?" She said as she kissed my forehead and then looked at me for a while.

N: "stay strong for me..." she said with a weak smile.

"Nat-" i sobbed as she pulled me in for a hug.

N: "i know baby, i know... you're gonna be okay. Were gonna be okay. Do you trust me?"

"Yes i do. I do trust you... please just don't do anything stupid on the bettle field okay?" She chuckled at that and pulled me in for a kiss. I accepted it and kissed her back. As we pulled away she had this smile on her face that i loved so much.

"We're in this together." I said and she smiled even wider.

N: "Forever right?" She laughed softly at me.

"Right!" I said excitedly and kissed her again.

I hope everything goes well... i don't want to lose her or anyone ever again.
Nothing can go that bad right?


Short part but imma write long one in like two three days. Because im too lazy and i need ti think how to write story without yall coming at me😍


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