Its okay

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No one's pov

Natasha and Clint seemed so excited as they stepped their feet on Vormir. They knew, they would be able to get the soul stone. They would get everyone back and would live with their loved ones again.

N: "you know...i never knew i would be nervous to do this again..." Natasha broke the silence as they walked up the mountain.

C: "do what?" Her best friend asked as he frowned his eyebrows.

N: "save world..."

C: "yeah i guess that's our life." Cling joked as they giggled softly. Silence fell but then Natasha spoke up again.

N: "i want to ask Wanda to marry me..." she said with a smile as she looked up the men in front of her who stood there like an ice cube.

N: "wow Nat! Im so happy for you!- thanks buddy! Im happy that you're happy for me-" Natasha mimicked what she wanted her best friend to say. Clint rolled his eyes as he embraced her into a tight hug.

N: "well that was unexpected-"

C: "just enjoy the moment asshole!" He answered as she gave in and wrapped her arms around him.

C: "im so proud of you Nat..." she sighed and enjoyed comfortable silence before it was taken away.

"Welcome." They heard mens voice as they quickly turned around with their guns out and aimed them at him. But they were surprised when they saw red skull standing in front of them.

"Natasha, Daughter of Ivan. Clint son of Edith." As the names were heard, Natasha and Clint exchanged looks as they lowered their weapons. They walked closer to the creature that was in front of them.

N: "who are you?" Natasha asked as she looked at him with confused and demanding look.

"Consider me a you, to all who seek the Soul Sto-"

N: "oh good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way." As Natasha finished talking, he let out a dry chuckle, whilst walking towards her.

"If only it were that easy." He said as he looked down at the two.

"Follow me." He demanded and with no questions, Natasha and Clint followed guide up the mountain.

As they reached the top, skull walked towards the end and stopped at the edge as he sighed and turned around to face the two behind him.

"What you seek, lies in front of you. As does what you fear" he said. Natasha nodded as she walked past him and looked down the edge and saw endless nothingness as she looked down at the bottom of the cliff.

N: "stone is down there..." she looked at her best friend as he nodded while placing his hand on Nats shoulder.

"In order to take the must lose that which you love." As guid finished the last sentence, Natasha snapped her gaze towards Cling as their eyes widened with fear.

"Soul for a Soul." He said and with that he despaired.


C: "how's it going?" Clint chuckled nervously as he rubbed his forehead while walking back and forth.

C: "fuck-" he sighed while stopping in front of Natasha, who was sitting on the rock while drowning in her own mind. "Maybe he's lying-?"

N: "No...i don't think so." She then spoke.

C: "why cuz he knew your daddy's name?"

N: "Not the point Clint." She snapped back as she got up and walked towards him.

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