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Wanda pov

I heard someone mumbling as I opened my eyes.

"Hey crazy hands is waking up." I heard someone's voice. Is that Yelena?

"Hey Wanda. Open you eyes. Please wake up." I felt slap on my face and quickly sat up. Whole world started spinning as i felt pain on my stomach. I groaned and put my hand on my abdomen.

"Slow down!" I heard thick Russian accent.

"God that hurt-" i breathed out and fell down on the seat, where it seemed to be someone's car.

"Hey WANDA! Don't close your eyes! You hear me? WAN-" Natasha started panicking and i smiled at her.

"Why are you smiling? You almost died on me-" Natasha started talking and Yelena nodded.

"You look so cute when you're worried about me." I said with a smile and Natasha leaned in for a kiss, i kissed her back.

"Ew-" i heard Yelenas voice and turned my attention towards her.

"Get a room you two" Yelena said with disgusted look.

"Well lady Maximoff almost died so i think she deserved that kiss" Natasha said and i playfully rolled my eyes.

"How am i here? Bot that im complaining but-" i started talking, because i had no idea how I survived.

"Well we drugged you to someones car- You are heavy by the way" Yelena said and Natasha punched her shoulder.

"No I'm not-" I started protesting and Natasha chuckled.

"You think im fat too?" I acted offended and her face turned white.

"No- of course not detka! I think that you are light as a feather, Yelena on the other hand is to weak to lift you. Thats all." She said with a smile and Yelena rolled her eyes.

"Okay can i get out? I need some air."

"Why are you not feel good- is there something wrong? I can ge-" Natasha started talking really fast but i shushed her.

"Tasha im fine, i just need to breathe some fresh air. It's really hot in this car." I chuckled and she nodded with a smile.
Yelena got out of the car and walked towards my seat. She opened the door and carefully lifted me up. I felt sharp pain in my abdomen and her eyes widened.

"Im sorry, did I hurt you?" She started apologizing as she sat me down on the chair.

"No its okay, thanks." I smiled and she did the same.

"Okay so since we're at the gas station why dont we buy somethings and i will also I will treat your wound. How does that sounds?" Natasha said as she walked towards us.

"Thats sounds grate." I got up and walked into the gas station store.

"Well that's something-" i heard Yelenas voice and turned around to look at her. She had some kind of vest in her hands and was checking it out.

"Hey crazy hands! Look how cool this is!" She said excitedly and Natasha playfully rolled her eyes at her.

"You're such a dork." Natasha said as she walked towards me.

"No im not!" Yelena said like she was offended and followed Nat.

"Well i think its grate." I said smelling at her and out of nowhere she pulled me in for a hug.

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