Everything went wrong

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Natasha pov

"Hey beautiful"

My body froze. I saw Maria sitting on the couch, i felt anger, rage, and i wanted to kill her. She stood up and opened her arms. For a HUG? i ran towards her and she smiled when i went close to her i jumped on her and pinned her down on the floor. She smirked at me.

"I like it when you're on top"

"Fuck you Maria!" I hissed and pinned her down harder.

"What do you want from me!"

"Ugh its not always about you Natalia"

"Don't call me that!" I hissed at her and she rolled her eyes. "What! Are! You! Doing! Here!" I was so mad at her. I wanted her gone!

"Fury sent me! He said that you faild!" She said with a smirk and my anger issues could never. I punched her in the face.

"No shit Maria. I know that to! Why are you here!"

"Stop it! Both of you" i heard Clint yell, i totally forgot about him.
I got off Maria and sat on the couch.

"You can leave Clint. Let us talk" Maria said with a wink. I almost threw up at that so did Clint. He rolled his eyes and with that he left.

"Long time no see huh" Maria laughed nervously.

"What do you want Maria? I don't have all day for you."

"It's four in the morning"

"Get to the POINT" ugh god she was so annoying.

"Okay well Fury said that you failed but yeah its not about that"

"Okay grate! Then leave" i said with a smile and she rolled her eyes.

"You haven't changed at all have you" she said in a sarcastic tone.

"Maria what do you want."

"You" when she said that i burst into laughter.

"Oh you're serious" i said with a confused look.

"Of course im serious! I missed you okay!"

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" i crossed my arms. I couldn't believe my ears.

"Nat i-"

"No Maria! NO! You fucking left me it the woods! You ran! I was hurt! I ALMOST DIED!"

"I know i-"

"Let me finish!"
I sighed and continued.

"You have no right to show up here after three years and act like nothing has happened. You know what i felt that day when i woke up in the compound!" I looked at her and she looked at the floor.

"I thought about you! I was worried that you got hurt but NOOOO! Clint told me that you left me alone to die!"

"That's not true-"

"Okay im listening! What's the truth Maria!" She opened her mouth and closed it immediately.


"Fine!" She came closer to me and cupped my face. She leaned closer to kiss me and i slapped her. Hard!

"Don't you dare!" She looked at me and shook her head.

"You will regret that." She smiled evilly and walked closer to the elevator and clicked the button.

"Oh and one more thing." She said before getting into elevator.

"That girl upstairs.... You should check up on her." My eyes widened.
I ran up to Maria but elevator door closed. I went to the stairs and ran up to my room. I opened the door and there she was sitting on my bed.

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