She's a kid!

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Natasha pov

I hang up on Wanda and i immediately got a call from Steve.

"Yeah?" I answered the call.

"Are you alright?" Steve asked.

"Uh, yeah, thanks. I got lucky." I heard the sirens and looked around. I sighed and continued talking.

"Steve where are you?"

"Not in the compound... if that's what you meant."

"Okay. Steve, i know how much Barnes means to you. I really do..."
My breathing got quicker and i started getting nervous.

"Steve. Please go back to the compound. Don't do anything stupid. You'll only make it worse."

"Are you saying, you'll arrest me?"

"No-" i shook my head and answered worriedly.
"But someone will, If you interfere. That's how it works now."

"If he's this far gone,Nat, i should be the one to bring him in."

"Why?" I asked confused, because i had no idea where he was going with this.

"Because I'm the one least likely to die." He said and hang up.

"Ugh come on STEVE!" I said and lowered my phone. "Shit! What will i do now!"

Some time later

I heard footsteps and went out of the lab where Tony and i were in and some other people. And there he is.
I walked towards Steve and started walking with him.

"For the record, this is what making things worse looks like." I said with a smirk and he just rolled his eyes.

"At least he's alive" he answered and we got closer to the lab. I heard Tony mumble something and he turned around and saw us.

"Try not to brake anything while we fix this.l" i said and turned my head around and faced Steve and Sam.

"Am i at least getting that shield back?" Steve asked.

"Technically, it's the government's property, wings too."

"Thats cold." Sam said.

"Warmer than jail" tony answered and walked towards empty room with Steve and i.

"Hey Steve. Wanna see something cool?" Tony asked him and held out some kind of box.

"I pulled something from Dad's archives." He said with a proud look.

I pulled out a chair from the table and sat on it. Steve did the same.

"FDR signed the Lend-Lease bill with these in 1941. Provided support to the Allies when they needed it." He opened it and putted in front of Steve. There was two pen and i had no idea what was that special about them.

"Some would say it brought our country closer to war.

"See? If not for these, you wouldn't be here." I said teasingly, tony chuckled and continued talking.

"I'm trying to... what do you call it? Uh- that's an olive branch... is that what we call it?" He said confused and sat on the table.

"Is Pepper here? I didn't see her." Steve said. Technically trying to move the conversation to something else.

"We're kinda... well not kinda..."

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