Everything's gonna be okay

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Author's pov

Months has passed since that meeting and i gotta say, S.H.I.E.L.D was falling apart, but still they kept going. The mission called Agent Romanoff, Captain America, Agent Hill and The Falcon.

Well...call isn't the right word for this, but tracking down suits it better. Fury tracked them down because this was the mission only they could handle.

Taking down the Hydra... AGAIN.

When Fury and Maria presented the whole "plan" to the team, everyone understood the assignment, but the mission wasn't that pleasant. The mission can be done in weeks, months, or even worse. Years.
Team had nothing to lose, except Natasha.

Natasha pov

"SAM! Do you copy?" I asked through the coms as i ran down the Hydra base halls.

S: "what do you want now!"

"Rude! Im in the building while you fellas fight those assholes. I just need your drone!"

S: "okay wait im gonna do that in a second!" He yelled through the coms as i fought some Hydra soldiers.

"Rogers! I need a hand!" I shouted and he came out of nowhere and passed me his shield. We fought like war machines as guards kept running towards us.

"Where the fuck is MARIA!"

M: "Romanoff i swear to god! Im gonna chop that blond hair of yours!no need to me rude love. Im at the files! Theres so many of them- should i destroy them or wha-"

"Stay where ever you are! Im coming towards you!" I threw the shield at Steve and with a nod i ran towards Maria.

As i entered the room where Maria was, she was already stacking important files on the right and not that important stuff on the left.

M: "took you enough time! Now help me." With that i walked towards her and started digging trough the files.

"Some dude, some girl, blah blah blah... why are they on important side?"

She looked at me annoyed and i rolled my eyes.

"Ugh you're annoying Hill." I said and checked files again.

"Maximoff-" i came across the fail.

M: "wha- oh." She said and took the paper away from me. She flipped the pages and there it was. The face i missed so much.

M: "journal for Wanda Maximoff. Experiment of Hydra. Day 6270. Wanda Maximoff was let in the cell alone with the mind stone. She touched it and suddenly fell on the floor. The experiment was supposed to be deadly but she somehow survived.

Day 7000. Wanda Maximoff has been tortured and trained to use her powers but nothing.

Day 7149. We tortured Pietro Maximoff to get the powers out of Wanda Maximoff. She killed 153 guards. She could've done more, but she weakened and fainted. The mind stone gave her telekinesis, energy manipulation, and some form of neuroelectric interfacing that allows her to both read thoughts and also give her targets waking nightmares."

Maria looks up at me and i had tears in my eyes. I didn't knew she went through all of that.

M: "you good-?"

"Im fine."

M: "you seem a little o-"

"Maria im fine! Just continue!" I hissed and she sighed, continuing reading, but i couldn't get my attention to her words. I only though about her.

Wanda pov

I was writing in my diary. Vision told me that if i couldn't talk to him, i should at least try this. So im doing it.

"Its been months since she left. I've lost counting but i guess thats good... right? I've been eating again. My anxiety and panic attacks sucks but Vision's taking care of me. My powers are getting stronger and stronger every day. My visions stopped and i feel more comfortable. Just one mor thing is missing. Natasha. Her clothes are still here and i always wear them, smell them... i know this sounds obsessive but i just. I just miss her. Her smile, laughter and that sarcastic comments that annoyed me so much. I dream of her every single night. I screamed and beg for her to stay but she stands up and leaves. Even tho the dreams are horrifying for me to see, they have Natasha in it. I swear i sound ridiculous. I should hate her but i don't. Not now.
Since she left im the one wearing the promise ring. The one i got her but never had a chance to give it to her. I feel empty and alone, even tho Vision's here with me. She was my other half, my friend, first love-. But i guess its over."

I closed the diary and laid on the bed. I haven't been leaving my room that often. Only the times if vision was cooking something for me. He tried best to make me smile. Sometimes it was working but i still didn't felt like everything was going to get better.

I go under the covers and hug Nats pillow. This have been a habit which i cant lose. Its like "i want to feel her" but thats not gonna happen so least i can do is hug this pillow and cry.

Guess i wasn't the one for her.


Ik short chapter but this is good... i think-

I also want them together but i don't think thats gonna happens any time soon. But yk
Never say never😎✌️

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