Game went wrong

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Wanda pov

N: "are you for real Stark? What are we, twelve?" Natasha said sarcastically and Tony puffed. He was clearly drunk.

"i think we should play it. What is it, two years since we last saw each other. So! This will be the best way to get to know one and other again." I said with a smile and Steve nodded.

S: "yeah come on Romanoff, it will be fun!" Steve punched Natashas shoulder playfully and she groaned.

N: "ugh FINE. But when we say never have i ever something and you've done it, you're drinking tequila!" Natasha said as everyone cheered.

T: "okay! Since it was my idea, I'll start." Tony said excitedly as room fell silent.

T: "never have i ever been in love with my best friend!" He said as everyone looked around. Natasha and Maria quickly exchanged looks as Maria took a shot. Thats great. Just great.

Natasha looked to towards me and locked eyes with mine. I rolled my eyes and took a shot. Natasha sighed and did the same.

C: "well that was depressing." Clint joked as everyone laughed.

C: "okay! My turn. Never have i ever...... okay this is way harder then i thought it would've been-"

N: "before you finish thinking about that, all of us will be ninety like Steve." Natasha said sarcastically and everyone bursted out laughing.

C: "give me time! Oh my lord. Anyways. Never have i ever! Drumroll!!!!!!! Slept with someone who's in this ROOM!"

S: "fuck you!" Steve said as he took a shot. Natasha followed him, so did Maria and i.

T: "HOLD UP- Steve and Natasha!"
Tony said loudly and i looked around with widened eyes. When did that happened?

N: "don't cream your pants Stark." Natasha joked as Tony grinned at her. She fake gagged and Steve acted offended. Everyone chuckled and continued talking. Natasha stood up and ran towards Clint and sat close to him and Maria.

Ugh Maria is so annoying. Shes like- i don't know. ANNOYING. I just can't believe Natasha even talks to her.

Steve started getting up and he accidentally fell on the floor. Natasha laughed so hard that she almost chocked. I smiled at her action, because i haven't seen her laughed like that in years.

Wait no. Wanda you need to stop- i think i drank too much.

T: "ugh im bored. I didn't even took a shot yet! Ugh. Lets play something BETTER."

"here we go again." I whispered loud enough for everyone to hear and Tony rolled his eyes.

T: "i don't have time for you witchy. ANYWAYS. Lets play truth or dare."

Is he serious right now?

N: "now thats what im talking about stark!" Fell this just got interesting.

"no turning backs tho! We will say the truth and we will do the dares!" I said with a smile and sat to empty place on the sofa, where Natasha was sitting before.

M: "i like this witchy. Shes the cool one, unlike some of you-" i wish i could say something like that to her. But who cares. I don't...

N: "Hill i swear to god! I will kill you in your sleep." Natasha snapped back.

M: "No need to get violent Nat. Kids are watching!" She said as she pointed at Peter and Sam who were technically sleeping on each other.

S: "Sam is definition of a big baby." Steve chuckled.

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